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About LeYuno

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    Private First Class

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  1. Thank you for that example file Tyra, I've been staring at the module for an hour now, trying to figure out how to get it to work. Your setup works perfectly. In case the file goes down; - place the zone restriction module on the map - place a marker with the name BIS_restriction - place units - click the chains icon in the options bar to the left - link all units that need to be kept inside or outside (invert borders or not option in the module) of the zone created by the BIS_restriction marker - set a custom hint e.g. hint "hint text goes here" - custom script to kill the player _this setdammage 1
  2. if you have the mission you created in your missions folder you can open up mission.sqm and do a replace to fix this. replace galkin with ifrit. done.
  3. I recently had the same problem. I eventually opened up the mortar sqm files in the helicopter showcase mission folder. Eventually you'll find some code which determines the location of a trigger; then defines an explosion using the HeliExplosionSmall class or something, and then spawns this explosion at every ammo box in the vincinity of the trigger. I used it in my own SP helicopter mission and it works like intended. I'm not home right now but if you can't figure it out I'd be happy to post the code I distilled from the showcase.
  4. I suggest you try the search function of the forum. Here's a topic with some basic editor tutorials: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148594-ArmA-3-Editor-Tutorials-Building-Simple-Missions To help you out with this question; if I understand your question correctly, the answer is that you need to place 2 units that are set to "playable". In multiplayer maps each playable unit will be listed in the server setup window where each player can click on the unit he/she wishes to play.
  5. Just wanted to point out that the uniform with classname U_OI_CombatUniform_ocamo (opfor) is now called U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo (they removed the I) keep up the good work.
  6. LeYuno

    open MP Missions ?

    make a folder named "blitzkrieg_mission" without the quotes in the "missions" folder of your profile put all the files from the pbo in them (mission.sqm and all the others) in the same folder structure you found in the pbo file. start your game, you should find them in the editor when clicking on the open map icon.
  7. I suggest you look at the kamino mortars code in the helicopter showcase from the alpha. I can't remember the name exactly but there's a class in there called bis_explosions or something that creates explosions at the location of every ammo crate once the player hits them with his helicopter bullets. I think the explosion class is something like HelicopterExplosionSmall or something. edit: just looked at the code and this is the explosion they created: [_unit,"HelicopterExploSmall"] call Bis_createExplosion in other words, try using "HelicopterExploSmall" as your classname for the shell.
  8. I'd suggest you create the tasks with the briefing file instead, that worked on my mission.
  9. I would go with the opfor units wearing civilian clothing. Easiest way with the desired outcome.
  10. Aeroson, you're a life saver. Ingame, that's quite literally, as now people spawn with their gear rather than the diving uniform/weapon they start out with ;) Just wondering if nedley's post meant anything as i'll be using this in a coop mission; Will I be required to use the addMPEventHandler and MPRespawn variable for my coop mission? I apologise if this is a stupid question, my coding experience is limited allthough I am a quick learner. All I need is the documentation and I'll catch up! :) info I found on mprespawn and mpeventhandler on the wiki: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Event_Handlers#MPRespawn
  11. Hello R0adkil1, thanks, I didn't realise I was posting this in the wrong section. I hope someone will be able to help. I edited the initial post with extra information. any help is deeply appreciated.
  12. wanted to add to this that the marker is not necessary. name your trigger chem1 instead of getmarkerpos use getpos in your code, just make sure to add chem1 without the quotes this time; _light = "Chemlight_green" createVehicle getPos chem1; thanks for this though I was looking for this.
  13. Hi everyone, I've been trying to create a custom class through an addon in arma3. does the cfgpatches require a certain mockup regarding the folder structure that contains the config.cpp file with my custom class? I saw something similar like "A3_animals_f_rabbit" in the cfgpatches code of the originalrabbit file, meaning the A3/animals_f/rabbit folder. I tested this with A3/rabbidz/rabbid ~ A3_rabbidz_rabbid but to no avail. info.cpp code for rabbid; this is in essence the info.bin file from the rabbit animal class, which I altered. Changed cfgpatches class name to A3_Rabbidz_Rabbid as the folder structure from the pbo is @rabbidz/addons/ (rabbid/config.cpp).pbo Added cfgVehicleClasses to it, defining the class RabbidVehicleClass with displayname Rabbid. Changed cfgVehicleclass to have the class rabbid added as a vehicle, with vehicleclass set to the new rabbidvehicleclass as indicated above, with displayname rabbid. Below the rabbid info.cpp file I posted the map file I created to require my addon. When I load it up in the editor I still get a missing addon error, even though @rabbidz is listed in the addons list ingame. class CfgPatches { class A3_Rabbidz_Rabbid { units = {"Rabbid"}; weapons = {}; requiredVersion = 0.100000; requiredAddons = {}; }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class RabbidVehicleClass { displayName = "Rabbid"; }; }; class UniformSlotInfo { slotType = 0; linkProxy = "-"; }; class CfgMovesAnimal_Base_F { access = 1; collisionVertexPattern = {}; collisionGeomCompPattern = {1}; class Default { access = 3; file = ""; looped = 1; speed = 0.700000; disableWeapons = 0; enableOptics = 1; disableWeaponsLong = 0; canreload = 1; showWeaponAim = 1; enableMissile = 0; enableBinocular = 1; showItemInHand = 0; showItemInRightHand = 0; showHandGun = 0; onLandBeg = 0; onLandEnd = 0; onLadder = 0; canPullTrigger = 1; duty = -0.510000; predictSpeedCoef = 1; visibleSize = 1; aimPrecision = 1; relSpeedMin = 1.000000; relSpeedMax = 1.000000; soundEnabled = 1; soundOverride = ""; soundEdge = {0.500000, 1}; soundEdge1 = 0.500000; soundEdge2 = 1; terminal = 0; limitGunMovement = 1; variantsPlayer = {}; variantsAI = {}; equivalentTo = ""; connectAs = ""; variantAfter = {5, 10, 20}; connectFrom = {}; connectTo = {}; interpolateWith = {}; interpolateTo = {}; interpolateFrom = {}; aiming = "aimingNo"; leaning = "aimingNo"; untiltWeapon = "aimingNo"; aimingBody = "aimingUpDefault"; legs = "legsNo"; head = "headDefault"; leaningFactorBeg = 0; leaningFactorEnd = 0; leaningFactorZeroPoint = -1; leaningCorrectionAngleBeg = 0; leaningCorrectionAngleEnd = 0; interpolationSpeed = 6; interpolationRestart = 0; hasCollShapeSafe = 0; collisionShapeSafe = ""; boundingSphere = 1; enableDirectControl = 1; enableAutoActions = 0; leftHandIKBeg = 0; leftHandIKEnd = 0; leftHandIKCurve = 0; rightHandIKCurve = 0; rightHandIKBeg = 0; rightHandIKEnd = 0; weaponIK = 0; preload = 0; walkcycles = 1; forceAim = 0; showDisposableGun = 0; headBobStrength = 0.200000; headBobMode = 1; }; class StandBase: Default { duty = -1; head = "headDefault"; speed = 10000000000.000000; relSpeedMin = 0.700000; relSpeedMax = 1.100000; looped = 1; soundEnabled = 1; enableDirectControl = 0; disableWeapons = 1; disableWeaponsLong = 1; }; class DefaultDie: Default { aiming = "aimingNo"; legs = "legsNo"; head = "headNo"; }; class ManActions { Stop = ""; StopRelaxed = ""; TurnL = ""; TurnR = ""; TurnLRelaxed = ""; TurnRRelaxed = ""; Default = ""; JumpOff = ""; ReloadMagazine = ""; ReloadMGun = ""; ReloadAT = ""; ReloadMortar = ""; ThrowGrenade = ""; WalkF = ""; WalkLF = ""; WalkRF = ""; WalkL = ""; WalkR = ""; WalkLB = ""; WalkRB = ""; WalkB = ""; SlowF = ""; SlowLF = ""; SlowRF = ""; SlowL = ""; SlowR = ""; SlowLB = ""; SlowRB = ""; SlowB = ""; FastF = ""; FastLF = ""; FastRF = ""; FastL = ""; FastR = ""; FastLB = ""; FastRB = ""; FastB = ""; EvasiveForward = ""; EvasiveLeft = ""; EvasiveRight = ""; EvasiveBack = ""; StartSwim = ""; StopSwim = ""; Down = ""; Up = ""; PlayerStand = ""; PlayerCrouch = ""; PlayerProne = ""; Lying = ""; Stand = ""; Combat = ""; Crouch = ""; CanNotMove = ""; Civil = ""; CivilLying = ""; FireNotPossible = ""; Die = ""; WeaponOn = ""; WeaponOff = ""; StrokeFist = ""; StrokeGun = ""; SitDown = ""; Salute = ""; BinocOn = ""; BinocOff = ""; PutDown = ""; PutDownEnd = ""; Medic = ""; Treated = ""; LadderOnDown = ""; LadderOnUp = ""; LadderOff = ""; LadderOffTop = ""; LadderOffBottom = ""; GetInLow = ""; GetInMedium = ""; GetInHigh = ""; GetOutLow = ""; GetOutMedium = ""; GetOutHigh = ""; TakeFlag = ""; HandGunOn = ""; LookAround = ""; Eat = ""; StopEat = ""; Rest = ""; StopRest = ""; }; class Actions { class NoActions: ManActions { turnSpeed = 8; limitFast = 5.500000; useFastMove = 0; stance = "ManStanceUndefined"; upDegree = 0; }; }; class Interpolations { }; transitionsInterpolated = {}; transitionsSimple = {}; transitionsDisabled = {}; class BlendAnims { aimingDefault = {"head", 1}; untiltWeaponDefault = {}; legsDefault = {}; headDefault = {"Head", 1}; aimingNo = {}; legsNo = {}; headNo = {}; aimingUpDefault = {}; }; }; class CfgMovesRabbit_F: CfgMovesAnimal_Base_F { access = 1; skeletonName = "Rabbit_F"; collisionVertexPattern = {"1a", "2a", "3a", "4a", "5a", "6a", "7a", "8a", "9a", "10a", "11a", "12a", "13a", "14a", "15a", "16a", "17a", "18a", "19a", "20a", "21a", "22a", "23a", "24a", "25a", "26a", "27a", "28a", "29a", "30a", "31a", "32a", "33a", "34a"}; collisionGeomCompPattern = {1}; class Default: Default { collisionShape = "A3\animals_f\Rabbit\Rabbit_CollShape.p3d"; actions = "RabbitActions"; }; class StandBase: Default { actions = "RabbitActions"; aiming = "aimingDefault"; leaningFactorBeg = 1; leaningFactorEnd = 1; disableWeapons = 1; disableWeaponsLong = 1; }; class DefaultDie: Default { aiming = "aimingNo"; legs = "legsNo"; head = "headNo"; disableWeapons = 1; interpolationRestart = 1; soundEdge1 = 0.450000; soundEdge2 = 0.450000; }; class States { class Rabbit_Stop: StandBase { file = "\A3\Animals_F\Rabbit\data\Anim\rabbit_basicIdle"; duty = -1; variantsAI = {"Rabbit_Stop", 0.200000, "Rabbit_StopV1", 0.600000, "Rabbit_Hop", 0.200000}; speed = 1.000000; relSpeedMin = 1.000000; relSpeedMax = 1.000000; connectTo = {"Rabbit_Stop", 0.020000, "Rabbit_StopV1", 0.020000, "Rabbit_Hop", 0.100000}; connectFrom = {"Rabbit_Stop", 0.020000, "Rabbit_StopV1", 0.020000, "Rabbit_Hop", 0.100000}; interpolateTo = {"Rabbit_Hop", 0.100000, "Rabbit_Die", 0.100000}; preload = 1; }; class Rabbit_Init: Rabbit_Stop { actions = "RabbitActions"; }; class Rabbit_StopV1: Rabbit_Stop { file = "\A3\Animals_F\Rabbit\data\Anim\rabbit_idleLookAround"; connectTo = {"Rabbit_Stop", 0.020000, "Rabbit_StopV1", 0.010000, "Rabbit_Hop", 0.100000}; speed = -6.000000; }; class Rabbit_Hop: StandBase { file = "\A3\Animals_F\Rabbit\data\Anim\rabbit_hop"; duty = -0.700000; speed = -0.600000; connectFrom = {"Rabbit_Run", 0.100000, "Rabbit_Stop", 0.100000}; connectTo = {"Rabbit_Run", 0.100000, "Rabbit_Stop", 0.100000}; interpolateTo = {"Rabbit_Die", 0.100000}; }; class Rabbit_Run: StandBase { file = "\A3\Animals_F\Rabbit\data\Anim\rabbit_run"; duty = -0.500000; relSpeedMin = 0.500000; relSpeedMax = 1.000000; speed = -0.600000; connectFrom = {"Rabbit_Sprint", 0.200000, "Rabbit_Hop", 0.100000}; connectTo = {"Rabbit_Sprint", 0.200000, "Rabbit_Hop", 0.100000}; interpolateTo = {"Rabbit_Die", 0.100000}; }; class Rabbit_Sprint: StandBase { file = "\A3\Animals_F\Rabbit\data\Anim\rabbit_run"; duty = 0.500000; relSpeedMin = 0.500000; relSpeedMax = 1.000000; speed = -0.300000; connectTo = {"Rabbit_Sprint", 0.100000, "Rabbit_Run", 0.200000}; connectFrom = {"Rabbit_Sprint", 0.100000, "Rabbit_Run", 0.200000}; interpolateTo = {"Rabbit_Die", 0.100000}; }; class Rabbit_Die: DefaultDie { actions = "NoActions"; file = "\A3\Animals_F\Rabbit\data\Anim\rabbit_death"; speed = 1.400000; looped = 0; variantsPlayer = {}; variantsAI = {"Rabbit_Die", 0.500000, "Rabbit_Die3", 0.500000}; variantAfter = {0, 0, 0}; terminal = 1; }; class Rabbit_Die3: Rabbit_Die { file = "\A3\Animals_F\Rabbit\data\Anim\rabbit_death3"; }; }; class Actions: Actions { class NoActions: NoActions { turnSpeed = 15; limitFast = 5.500000; useFastMove = 0; upDegree = 0; }; class RabbitActions: NoActions { Stop = "Rabbit_Stop"; StopRelaxed = "Rabbit_Stop"; TurnL = "Rabbit_Stop"; TurnR = "Rabbit_Stop"; TurnLRelaxed = "Rabbit_Stop"; TurnRRelaxed = "Rabbit_Stop"; Default = "Rabbit_Stop"; JumpOff = "Rabbit_Stop"; WalkF = "Rabbit_Hop"; SlowF = "Rabbit_Sprint"; FastF = "Rabbit_Sprint"; EvasiveForward = "Rabbit_Sprint"; Down = "Rabbit_Stop"; Up = "Rabbit_Stop"; PlayerStand = "Rabbit_Stop"; PlayerCrouch = "Rabbit_Stop"; PlayerProne = "Rabbit_Stop"; Lying = "Rabbit_Stop"; Stand = "Rabbit_Stop"; Combat = "Rabbit_Stop"; Crouch = "Rabbit_Stop"; CanNotMove = "Rabbit_Stop"; Civil = "Rabbit_Stop"; CivilLying = "Rabbit_Stop"; FireNotPossible = "Rabbit_Stop"; Die = "Rabbit_Die"; LookAround = "rabbit_stopV1"; turnSpeed = 300; limitFast = 5.500000; useFastMove = 0; upDegree = "ManPosNoWeapon"; }; }; class Interpolations { }; transitionsInterpolated = {}; transitionsSimple = {}; transitionsDisabled = {}; class BlendAnims: BlendAnims { aimingDefault = {"head", 1, "leftEar", 1, "rightEar", 1}; untiltWeaponDefault = {}; legsDefault = {}; headDefault = {}; aimingNo = {}; legsNo = {}; headNo = {}; aimingUpDefault = {}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { /*extern*/ class Animal_Base_F; class Rabbid: Animal_Base_F { scope = 2; vehicleClass = "RabbidVehicleClass"; displayName = "Rabbid"; model = "\A3\Animals_F\rabbit\rabbit_F.p3d"; side = 1; moves = "CfgMovesRabbit_F"; fsmFormation = ""; fsmDanger = ""; maxTurnAngularVelocity = 30; costTurnCoef = 0.000010; boneHead = "head"; bonePrimaryWeapon = "head"; weaponBone = "head"; triggerAnim = ""; respawnLinkedItems = {"ItemMap", "ItemCompass"}; class VariablesScalar { _threatMaxRadius = 20; _runDistanceMax = 50; _movePrefer = 0.700000; _formationPrefer = 0.200000; _scareLimit = 0.200000; _dangerLimit = 1.000000; }; class VariablesString { _expSafe = "(0.5 * meadow) * (0.5 * trees) * (1 - forest) * (1 - houses) * (1 - sea)"; _expDanger = "(trees) * (forest) * (1 - meadow) * (1 - houses) * (1 - sea)"; }; class Wounds { tex = {}; mat = {"A3\Animals_F\Rabbit\data\Rabbit.rvmat", "A3\Animals_F\Rabbit\data\W1_Rabbit.rvmat", "A3\Animals_F\Rabbit\data\W2_Rabbit.rvmat"}; }; }; }; enum { destructengine = 2, destructdefault = 6, destructwreck = 7, destructtree = 3, destructtent = 4, stabilizedinaxisx = 1, stabilizedinaxesxyz = 4, stabilizedinaxisy = 2, stabilizedinaxesboth = 3, destructno = 0, stabilizedinaxesnone = 0, destructman = 5, destructbuilding = 1 } map.sqm code: version=12; class Mission { addOns[]= { "A3_Animals_F_Rabbit", "a3_map_stratis", "A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR", "A3_Rabbidz_Rabbid" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR", "A3_Animals_F_Rabbit", "a3_map_stratis", "A3_Rabbidz_Rabbid" }; randomSeed=9391499; class Intel { resistanceEast=1; startWeather=0.29999998; startWind=0.099999994; startWaves=0.099999994; forecastWeather=0.29999998; forecastWind=0.099999994; forecastWaves=0.099999994; forecastLightnings=0.099999994; year=2035; month=7; day=6; hour=14; minute=15; }; class Groups { items=1; class Item0 { side="WEST"; class Vehicles { items=6; class Item0 { position[]={1780.009,5.5,5561.2144}; special="NONE"; id=0; side="WEST"; vehicle="B_Soldier_F"; player="PLAYER COMMANDER"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; init="this addVest ""U_BasicBody""; this addWeapon ""ItemMap""; this assignItem ""ItemMap"""; }; class Item1 { position[]={1773.7485,5.5,5561.6855}; azimut=80; id=1; side="WEST"; vehicle="Rabbid"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; init="this addVest ""U_BasicBody""; this addWeapon ""ItemMap""; this assignItem ""ItemMap"""; }; class Item2 { position[]={1767.4274,5.5,5562.3076}; azimut=30; id=2; side="WEST"; vehicle="Rabbid"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; init="this addVest ""U_BasicBody""; this addWeapon ""ItemMap""; this assignItem ""ItemMap"""; }; class Item3 { position[]={1760.2816,5.5,5562.8398}; azimut=30; special="NONE"; id=3; side="WEST"; vehicle="Rabbid"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; init="this addVest ""U_BasicBody""; this addWeapon ""ItemMap""; this assignItem ""ItemMap"""; }; class Item4 { position[]={1752.8662,5.5,5562.98}; azimut=30; special="NONE"; id=4; side="WEST"; vehicle="Rabbid"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; init="this addVest ""U_BasicBody""; this addWeapon ""ItemMap""; this assignItem ""ItemMap"""; }; class Item5 { position[]={1786.9456,5.5,5559.5962}; special="NONE"; id=5; side="WEST"; vehicle="Rabbid"; skill=0.60000002; init="this addVest ""U_BasicBody""; this addWeapon ""ItemMap""; this assignItem ""ItemMap"""; }; }; }; }; }; class Intro { addOns[]= { "a3_map_stratis" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "a3_map_stratis" }; randomSeed=11066353; class Intel { timeOfChanges=1800.0002; startWeather=0.30000001; startWind=0.1; startWaves=0.1; forecastWeather=0.30000001; forecastWind=0.1; forecastWaves=0.1; forecastLightnings=0.1; year=2035; month=7; day=6; hour=14; minute=15; }; }; class OutroWin { addOns[]= { "a3_map_stratis" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "a3_map_stratis" }; randomSeed=14882430; class Intel { timeOfChanges=1800.0002; startWeather=0.30000001; startWind=0.1; startWaves=0.1; forecastWeather=0.30000001; forecastWind=0.1; forecastWaves=0.1; forecastLightnings=0.1; year=2035; month=7; day=6; hour=14; minute=15; }; }; class OutroLoose { addOns[]= { "a3_map_stratis" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "a3_map_stratis" }; randomSeed=15462346; class Intel { timeOfChanges=1800.0002; startWeather=0.30000001; startWind=0.1; startWaves=0.1; forecastWeather=0.30000001; forecastWind=0.1; forecastWaves=0.1; forecastLightnings=0.1; year=2035; month=7; day=6; hour=14; minute=15; }; }; any help is deeply appreciated.
  14. found out a significant increase in performance when disabling PIP, even when there's no picture in picture rendering going on. for some reason i got an extra 15 fps on my system.
  15. I experienced the same thing. Once a few vehicles have exploded, the game starts to run at significantly less fps when I look at the smoke columns coming from the wrecks. I5 with 2x gti560 in an sli config here, not the best system to date but it should run smoother than that imho.