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Hacking is needs to be stopped NOW!!!!

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Hey guys this amazing shooter which is a result of hard work, and alot of it will be ruined if they dont do something about the hackers soon. Every server i joined today got hacked, and it will crush the fan base early if it persists. Many hack sites are already offering it to the public, and if it becomes a bigger problem whatever anti cheat/hack system this game uses nees to go further than just ban a key. They need to ban IP or hardware or something, or the payment method info so people dont keep rebuying the game to hack again. Im not sure on how anti cheat systems work, or how they could do something about it BUT they need to or this game will go down the shitter fast :( and i hope it dosnt because its AMAZING. Thanks guys.

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The damn birds! :(

I came here to complain about the hackers too, had the same problem, every single server I played on today got hacked and became unplayable.

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Script kidding into an alpha is plain stupid, those kids doesn't understand that are ruining the core of the game, servers will be soon locked and the "casual player" (basically themself) will be out. I can understand the idiot "challenge" of cheating/hacking into a finished product, but at this stage and without an anticheat is only about kidding, even the worse half-brain "hacker" would understand this.

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Yes huge problem that is breaking multiplayer. Its impossible to test/play the game. Every asshole now has access to hacks that turn everyone into birds.

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But. The majority of the community here is aware of being in an Alpha where there is currently no anti-hack. So it wont be "crushed" as you said.

The Alpha contains multiplayer so you can test it. Thats why it is there. With these hacks, soon everyone will stop playing the game and bugs/issues directly connected to multiplayer may never be properly detected. This is the end of arma3's alpha public gaming so long as there is no basic anti cheat system in place.

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The Alpha contains multiplayer so you can test it. Thats why it is there. With these hacks, soon everyone will stop playing the game and bugs/issues directly connected to multiplayer may never be properly detected. This is the end of arma3's alpha public gaming so long as there is no basic anti cheat system in place.

True. I changed my opinion after i wrote that and removed it. :p

Alpha and hacking already ?

Imagine leaving your car in the middle of a large city, with your keys in and open doors.

This is the Alpha right now, because of no anti-hacks. So yes, it is hacking "already". I'm suprised it took this long

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Im glad alot of you understand, and i hope that the srevres dont become locked because for people like me who play when they have days off from work or come home and want to enjoy the experience we dont have time to get whitelisted or fill out a huge enlistment form to become a member of the great communities. I hope they fix this, and yes its alpha but people pay to play they should be able to enjoy the alpha and actually test it and make the game even more EPIC, am i right????

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Same answer as the last few threads which would have been found by searching, please do not make new threads until you've searched.

If you search for hackers/hacking you would see this has been covered, at the end of the day this initial alpha release is without the protections which will follow in later releases, no need for panic just yet. This thread remains open and is parallel to the topic: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?145039-Please-drop-battleye-for-arma-3&p=2327675#post2327675

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