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ArmA3 Clutter Collection

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the list below are all Clutters available currently for Stratis. Copy that list and simply paste it below the last entry of your cfgSurfaces.hpp to always have all Clutters

on hand in case of reorganizing your Clutter Character Compositions.

I´ve been playing around a lot with the Clutters...this list makes it easier to handle the Character Classes


The only thing you want to do is to remove the r_i_ Prefix as these are from my current Project. Make sure to change the prefix in your cfgClutter.hpp as well


//-----Branches, common Tree structres (Äste, Zweige etc.)-------------


//------ Stones etc.---------

//------Gras common grass structures-------------

//-----Thorns, Bush structures-------


//------Plants, Pflanzen-----------

//-----structures, Roads, Concretes (Strassenstrukturen)



(for those who dont know what a cfgSurfaces.hpp and a cfgClutter.hpp is)

These both hpp files are actually part of the config.cpp, but in order to reorganize the own Clutter and Surface Characters these parts of the Config can be cut out and saved in a seperated hpp file.

The config.cpp only then needs the command(s) below, to merge the hpp files back into the config again while packing with BinPBO. --> (This wont work with CPBO!)

cfgSurfaces (go to the end of the config)

#include "cfgSurfaces.hpp"

cfgClutter (locate Class Clutter first)

class clutter
		#include "cfgClutter.hpp"

Edited by MemphisBelle
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Good deal! Thanks for taking the time to do this.

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