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How do I set up the flags for enabling muliple mods?

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I have a difficult time in figuring out how to set the flags correctly, so that installed mods are being used.

Mods are saved in the game folder as folders named @xxxxx and that folder name is then used for setting flags on the executable.

These are the flags that I have tried and I can't seem to be able to enable any of the few mods I have:

-mod=@sthud; @FA_stance; @sthud; @compassfix -nosplash -skipintro


"-mod=@sthud; @FA_stance; @sthud; @compassfix" -nosplash -skipintro

What am I perhaps doing wrong here?

Edited by Treehugger

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Hello there

Google/search for the Armarize App. It makes mod handling so much easier and will achieve what you need.

There are other apps, but this is my preferred one.



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Its called modline, targeline, or command line, and heres what it should look like for what you have Treehugger

-nosplash -skipintro -mod=@sthud;@FA_stance;@sthud;@compassfix

5 important points about setting up a target line.

1. only 1 space after the exe.

2. ; semi colon should separates mods that come after the first mod in the line, so after the first mod you need a semicolon then the next mod and no space in between.

3. do not use quotes

4. no spaces between mod folders

5. The name of the folder (mod) should be the same name as it is in the directory, if its not, it wont load.

hope that helps.

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Thanks! I see now that the compass mod works at least (large compass).

Edit: Oops, I see now that the other two mods require more stuff to be installed, my bad.


Edited by Treehugger

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