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A suggestion for personalization, your option on how you walk.

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It was an idea that just popped into my mind. I told it to my friends and they thought it was a great idea.

Now it's nothing major, nothing that would ruin immersion, for a matter of fact it would IMPROVE immersion. Now currently all players walk with the left arm swinging(if it is a at ease walk) but I feel, with every person walking like that. It's like a march rather than a saunter, leisurely walk.

In the Player Profile, you get to Choose the voice, and pitch along with the face. Now add the walk, maybe 5-10 different styles now. With people being different it makes you feel more like a person rather than a player.

It's a minor thing to add but would make a major change.

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Would "simply" require different sets of animnations, some games do that already but in the end its a matter of implementing more animations...and BIS was unfortunately never good at this, just look at the troubles with simple weapon switches. Would be nice but you have to fight to make that even be considered.

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Meh it's just a fluff unlike voice, eye wear and face which let you tell other soldiers apart. BIS should concentrate on other animations first. Like throwing grenade properly with cooking and fixing that rolling-while-aiming anim. And adding limp animation when you are shot in the leg (right now it just forces you into walking).

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