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Pilot only script

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Hi ive been making a mission so far ive made 4 dudes in heli crash on hill side then alerted nearby blufor rush over with 2 cars with guys which take about 5 mins to get to your position, in which they search and kill survivors your job is to try and get of island, i have at least 2 weeks worth work left to add alot stuff just trying to make it so the 2 guys that are part of the 4 man downed crew are 2 pilots and i want them to be only ones that can fly making it vital the pilots stay alive but still there is option for a boat ive tried old arma 2 scripts with no luck.


---------- Post added at 22:03 ---------- Previous post was at 21:51 ----------

I found this works but i dont know what you would put arma 3 pilot class under as its not usmc rather summit diffrent any clues?



WaitUntil {Sleep 5;Local Player};

While {True} Do


If ((Vehicle Player IsKindOf "Air") && (TypeOf Driver (Vehicle Player) != "USMC_Soldier_Pilot") && (TypeOf Driver (Vehicle Player) != "")) Then


Driver (Vehicle Player) Action ["Eject", Vehicle Player];

Hint Format ["%1 you're not a qualified pilot.", Name Player];


Sleep 0.5;



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to get around this issue, name the players that you have spawned

eg. set the 2 infantry players - give them names such as rifleman_1 and rifleman_2

eg. set the 2 pilots players - give them name such as pilot_1 and pilot_2

create a script for each unit and give them global variables (see below)

//this is the pilotonly script

playerType = "setplayerName"; //select a player type bases on name
_helicopterName = _this select 0; //define helicopter name when calling script e.g. _pilotOnly = [helicopter_name] execVM "pilotOnly.sqf"
_player = player //means that script attached to local player

if (player = pilot_1 OR player = pilot_2)
      playerType = "pilot";
      hint format ["You are a %1", playerType]; //hints the players type of character
      playerType = "rifleman";
      hint format ["You are a %1", playerType]; //hints the players type of character

if (playerType = "pilot" && player in _helicopterName) then
      hint "You are able to fly this chopper";
      hint "You are not a pilot and cannot pilot this vehicle";
      moveOut _player; //this moves player out of vehicle

hope you understand this and that it works for you,

hope this helps

have a good time playing the Arma 3 alpha

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to get around this issue, name the players that you have spawned

eg. set the 2 infantry players - give them names such as rifleman_1 and rifleman_2

eg. set the 2 pilots players - give them name such as pilot_1 and pilot_2

create a script for each unit and give them global variables (see below)

//this is the pilotonly script

playerType = "setplayerName"; //select a player type bases on name
_helicopterName = _this select 0; //define helicopter name when calling script e.g. _pilotOnly = [helicopter_name] execVM "pilotOnly.sqf"
_player = player //means that script attached to local player

if (player = pilot_1 OR player = pilot_2)
      playerType = "pilot";
      hint format ["You are a %1", playerType]; //hints the players type of character
      playerType = "rifleman";
      hint format ["You are a %1", playerType]; //hints the players type of character

if (playerType = "pilot" && player in _helicopterName) then
      hint "You are able to fly this chopper";
      hint "You are not a pilot and cannot pilot this vehicle";
      moveOut _player; //this moves player out of vehicle

hope you understand this and that it works for you,

hope this helps

have a good time playing the Arma 3 alpha

i tried the above and well it didn't work for me. i tried putting in the int of player and helicopter and was able to enter and fly however other code i found worked but i dont know how and what helicopter pilot would be called.

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Could anyone else shed some light on what the new classes are named for the helicopter pilot instead of USMC_Soldier_Pilot.




//WaitUntil {Sleep 5;Local Player};

While {True} Do


If ((Vehicle Player IsKindOf "Air") && (TypeOf Driver (Vehicle Player) != "USMC_Soldier_Pilot") && (TypeOf Driver (Vehicle Player) != "")) Then


Driver (Vehicle Player) Action ["Eject", Vehicle Player];

Hint Format ["%1 you're not a qualified pilot.", Name Player];


Sleep 0.5;



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just replace "USMC_Soldier_Pilot" with "B_helipilot_F" and you should be in business!

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Here's two I had for Arma 2, can't remember which of them I used but anyways just try them both and change the classname to the Arma 3 pilot classname

after that just name the script e.g. pilotcheck.sqf, then on the helicopter put this in the init field: null = [this] execVM "pilotcheck.sqf";

In the first script (below) I'm guessing you need to say which vehicle type and classname you want in the init code,

e.g. null = [helicopter,US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1] execVM "pilotcheck.sqf";

_vehicleType = _this select 0;  // "Helicopter" / "Tank"
_crewType = _this select 1;  // "US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1"

//hint format["%1 - %2",_crewType, _vehicleType];
 if (typeof player != _crewType) then {
   private "_v";
   while {alive player} do {
     waituntil {vehicle player != player};
     _v = vehicle player;
     if (_v iskindof _vehicleType && !(_v iskindof "ParachuteBase")) then {
       if (driver _v == player) then {
         player action ["eject",_v];
         waituntil {vehicle player == player};
         hint "We shall leave the piloting to those with the appropriate training.";

if (typeof player != "USMC_Soldier_Pilot") then {
   private "_v";
   while {alive player} do {
     waituntil {vehicle player != player};
     _v = vehicle player;
     if (_v iskindof "Helicopter" && !(_v iskindof "ParachuteBase")) then {
       if (driver _v == player) then {
         player action ["eject",_v];
         waituntil {vehicle player == player};
         hint "You are not trained to use this vehicle.";

Edited by clydefrog

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