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Triggering the "Alarm"

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So if you look at "Empty > Sounds" you'll find an alarm object which when placed, creates a 3D alarm sound at the location it was put.

How can it be triggered? I know in the SCUBA demonstration mission it's triggered after OPFOR detects your precense, but how can the sound be linked to it ?

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Create a triger (F3) with following settings:

Activation: Bluefore



Select your wanted size of the trigger (maybe sound will only played in the middel of the triger , if is it to big)

Now press on effects in the trigger Window .. and select under the trigger category the Alarm sound.

Thats all..

Run with a bluefore unit in that area and the alarm will fired...

You can also modify this trigger to anloy fired when "bluefore" spoetted by Opfor ... or add an delay .. or whatever you want ;)

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Ah, okay! Thanks, I'll try it out asap

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I have a trigger for detection. Does the alarm have to be linked to the trigger to work?

Ive tried linking and/grouping, but the alarm never fires. Trigger works, message displays what I put.

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I have a trigger for detection. Does the alarm have to be linked to the trigger to work?

Ive tried linking and/grouping, but the alarm never fires. Trigger works, message displays what I put.

I gather your Blufor and the trigger is set to "Detected by Opfor"? The Opfor units need to see you before the alarm will sound. Make sure you have Blufor selected in the Activation field.

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