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Add NVG and suppressor

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Hi everyone!

How can I add NVG to my divers so that their automatically equiped on their heads ? And is it possible to put suppressors on the NATO's diver's weapons ?

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For the NVGoggles, use this in the units Init line: this addweapon "NVgoggles";

It works on my diver.

You can't have any attachements on the divers original weapons what i noticed.

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The underwater weapon is the only one that is unable to have any attachments on it. I fail to see how a suppressor is relevant though as the diving AI does not react to fire and the water supresses the bullet enough already.

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	player additem "nvgoggles"; 
player assignitem "nvgoggles";

There is no suppressor for the 5.56 diver weapon. You can put one on your pistol though.

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Ok thanks guys ! :)

The underwater weapon is the only one that is unable to have any attachments on it. I fail to see how a suppressor is relevant though as the diving AI does not react to fire and the water supresses the bullet enough already.

It's because my divers won't stay in the water, so they needed one for the mission once they're on the ground.

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I'm using LEA Loadout editor, and it's creating this for my loadout:

removeallweapons s2;
removeallassigneditems s2;
removeHeadgear s2;
removeUniform s2;
removeBackpack s2;
removeVest s2;

s2 addWeapon "ItemMap";
s2 addWeapon "ItemWatch";
s2 addWeapon "ItemCompass";
s2 addWeapon "ItemGPS";
s2 addWeapon "G_Diving";
s2 addWeapon "NVGoggles";
s2 addWeapon "Laserdesignator";
s2 addBackpack "B_Carryall_oli";
clearItemCargoGlobal (backpackContainer s2);
clearMagazineCargoGlobal (backpackContainer s2);
clearWeaponCargoGlobal (backpackContainer s2);
(backpackContainer s2) additemcargoGlobal ["FirstAidKit",8];
(backpackContainer s2) additemcargoGlobal ["optic_Aco",1];
(backpackContainer s2) additemcargoGlobal ["Medikit",1];
(backpackContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["11Rnd_45ACP_Mag",3];
(backpackContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",9];
(backpackContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["Laserbatteries",1];
(backpackContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["DemoCharge_Remote_Mag",2];
s2 addVest "V_RebreatherIR";
clearItemCargoGlobal (vestContainer s2);
clearMagazineCargoGlobal (vestContainer s2);
clearWeaponCargoGlobal (vestContainer s2);
s2 addUniform "U_B_Wetsuit";
clearItemCargoGlobal (uniformContainer s2);
clearMagazineCargoGlobal (uniformContainer s2);
clearWeaponCargoGlobal (uniformContainer s2);
(uniformContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["11Rnd_45ACP_Mag",1];
(uniformContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",6];
(uniformContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["MiniGrenade",2];
(uniformContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["B_IR_Grenade",2];
(uniformContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",1];
s2 addWeapon "arifle_MXC_Black_F";
s2 addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";
s2 addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_H";
s2 addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Nightstalker";
(uniformContainer s2) addmagazinecargoGlobal ["11Rnd_45ACP_Mag",1];
s2 addWeapon "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F";
s2 addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_acp";
s2 addHandgunItem "optic_MRD";
s2 addWeapon "ItemRadio";
s2 selectWeapon (primaryWeapon s2);

This is a loadout for a diver. My diver will not start with NVG's in his inventory. I tried to change it from

s2 addWeapon "NVGoggles";


s2 additem "NVGoggles";
s2 assignitem "NVGoggles";

but they still won't show up in the inventory slot.

I even tried to go back into the LEA Loadout Editor and just put the goggles into the back pack, which ends up working, however my mission begins in the water, so accessing the gear isn't possible till land fall.

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance.

EDIT: Nevermind, I found the issue. Wasn't with this script, it was with another script that was removing NVG's from all sides. It works fine now.

Edited by RTEK

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