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My Initial Thoughts, Bug Reports, and What I want.

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Initial Thoughts -

Lighting = Amazing

Graphics & Animations for the Most Part Look Excellent (The fact that hands are always on the wheel is SWEET!)

Game seems to run a little bit smoother at max (Reasonable view distance) than Arma 2

The Underwater diving is fun and amazing.

The map is well designed, can't wait to see Altis (I hope there are more cities)

TrackIR works

Bug Reports (Cause I can't find the formal bug reporter only the tracker)

When people are prone at distances past 50m, they are 70% underground

When Mortars are aimed near civilians they miss (If you were building a hardcore mission and didn't want that safeguard that would be a problem)

When a car hits someone going 100+kmh, they do not die.

When an ATV hits someone going 55kmh it bounces off them.

If you have an Xbox controller plugged in, it automatically changes control scheme and button indicator to xbox controller.

If you touch the ground while swimming, the animation gets glitchy.

Picture In Picture Quality is low even at Ultra - Mostly Aliasing Issues

What I want

More Faction Options/Triggers in Editor - In Arma II it was nearly impossible to switch a units faction mid-game

GUI + 3D/2D Load Out In-Editor Editor - Self Explanatory, allows you to scroll through weapons and equip them without having to find them in a text database on the web somewhere.

GUI + 3D Structure Editor - Allows you to view a structure before placing it, also would allow rotation without having to put in code.

3D editor - To see where you are placing units and buildings so you can position them inside buildings

That's all I have so far.

Edited by dpatt711

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"When people are prone at distances past 50m, they are 70% underground"

Thats a feature to simulate lying down in grass.

You need to log in to the tracker to post reports.

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I was just concerned cause it happened on pavement aswell

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