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Aiming + Zoom (Weapon)

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Is it possible to do the following with only 1 mouse-click?:

- the soldier takes the weapon to iron sight

- the scene is zoomed in (without holding the right mouse-button f.e.)

I would like to set this two actions on the right-mouse-button-click. I hope its possible...

Thanks for your help!

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Try setting RMB click for both "zoom in" and aiming down sights.

Check control settings. One will have "RMB click" the other "RMB hold".

I would suggest you to get used to how it is now however because you want to maintain situational awareness which "zoomed out" view provides (it simulates peripheral vision, while "zoom in" is what you really see within boundaries of your monitor)

It's quite comfortable once you get used to it because when you want to move while aiming down sights you want all the peripheral vision you get. Then when you spot an enemy you simply hold RMB and engage. Then release it when you are done.

Better reconfigure 'hold breath' button to something else due to breathing simulation changes in A3. Otherwise you will always be out of breath when "zoomed in" and thus huge aim shake

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Thanks! I will try it this evening after work :-) ... For my understanding the zoom is simulating focusing in real life. And when you aim down the sights your view is focused.. the controls could be easier this way, at least for me :-) ..

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It's not focus. As Suma (the lead programmer) once explained - viewing the game world through the monitor screen is like putting same sized box over your head with the front side being cut out.

So when you are zoomed out - it's the real (or close to real) area of vision you have IRL... However when you zoom in - it's what you would've seen if you would be looking through a 23" window (or whatever " your monitor is) in front of your eyes.

It's an unfortunate limitation of viewing a game world through a monitor. It's not as important in other shooters since enemies are pretty close there, but in ArmA they can be hundreds of meters away so it's the compromise that had to be done. That's why some people do 3 or 6 monitor setups to get that real peripheral vision.

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Is it possible to do the following with only 1 mouse-click?:

- the soldier takes the weapon to iron sight

- the scene is zoomed in (without holding the right mouse-button f.e.)

I would like to set this two actions on the right-mouse-button-click. I hope its possible...

Thanks for your help!

I have it set this way -yes.

example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNsGxCmLxZA

and yes: the arma "zoom" should be in every single shooter and also other game out there.

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I have it set this way -yes.

example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNsGxCmLxZA

and yes: the arma "zoom" should be in every single shooter and also other game out there.

Looks fine!!! :-) ....What changes did You made to the controls? ... it didnt work for me... THANX FOR YOUR HELP!

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hmmm.. my second-mouse-button (in the change-controls-window) turns RED. Because i use it for "Optics" and for "zoom in" ... tried the combination of "optics" and "zoom in toggle" aswell... didnt work for me..

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just make Hold second mouse button for zoom and aiming down sights

hold right mouse button when assigning in options.


use temporary

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