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Play a video for the intro?

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So yeah, I wanna make a intro but I would like the intro to be a made video, like I record something and then play the video in the mission. Anyone could come up with a full tutorial.

Thank you!

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Maybe when Java is working it would be possible but even if it was possible now this would add huge size to the mission file.

Would this be a single player mission? The mission file gets downloaded to all players so if it is a multiplayer mission you are making it would not be a good idea to embed a lot of large files like audio and video.

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Nan, its for playing with my other freind, il just give him the mission with mediafire. So how can I do it?

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class RscPicture

//Macro defining a simple and standard scene picture.
//Parameters: index of the scene, path to the picture, x-coord, y-coord, width, height.
#define SCENE(INDEX, PIC, X, Y, W, H) \
class Scene##INDEX \
{ \
	idd = -1; \
	movingEnable = 0; \
	fadein = 0; \
	fadeout = 0; \
	duration = 300; \
	name = __EVAL("Scene" + #INDEX); \
	class controls \
	{ \
		class Overlay \
		{ \
			idc = -1; \
			x = SafeZoneX; y = SafeZoneY; \
			w = SafeZoneH; h = SafeZoneH; \
			type = 0; \
			style = 48; \
			colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; \
			colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; \
			font = BitStream; \
			sizeEx = 0; \
			lineSpacing = 0; \
			text = PIC; \
		} \
	} \

class RscTitles
//	SCENE(1, "t\effect_ca.paa", -0.379, -0.135, 1.77, 1.181)
SCENE(1, "t\effect_ca.paa", 0,0,1,1)


titleRsc ["scene1","PLAIN"];
sleep 0.3;

starting from mission trigger

bla = execVM "picture.sqf"; _video = ["filename.ogv",[-0.6,-0.5,2.2,2]] spawn bis_fnc_playVideo;

Never ventured deeper into this as 12mb missions are a huge nono in MP.

You´ll have to play around with the description.ext to fill the screen, above code was made long ago on my old 19" screen for a small fun mission.

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Yeah I found that thing but how do I put the function, do I add it in the editor or waht, im a total newbie when its realted to codes and stuff like that.

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clicky <-- thats the mission i made with it, feel free to unpack and poke around.

edit: requires ArmA2 !

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According to the picture it requires Combined Operations (ArmA2 & OA), no mods :)

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