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Why the texture seems too blurred at long distance?

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Why Arma3 texture seems too blurred at long distance hills? But other large environment games doesn't, eg: Just Cause 2, Outerra...

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The alpha phase of the release life cycle is the first phase to begin software testing (alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, used as the number 1). In this phase, developers generally test the software using white box techniques. Additional validation is then performed using black box or gray box techniques, by another testing team. Moving to black box testing inside the organization is known as alpha release.[2]

Alpha software can be unstable and could cause crashes or data loss. External availability of alpha software is uncommon in proprietary software. However, open source software, in particular, often have publicly available alpha versions, often distributed as the raw source code of the software. The alpha phase usually ends with a feature freeze, indicating that no more features will be added to the software. At this time, the software is said to be feature complete.

Sorry to be an ass about it, but people around here don't seem to be aware of what an alpha release is.

From Wikipedia of course. Where else? lol

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There was no "ass about it" in your post. It's informative and answers the OPs question.

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Arma goes for a realistic visual method. Objects in distance just like real life will be difficult to see detail. debris in the air will aid to distort objects at a distance as well.

There are things you can try to clear it up a bit.

This may be due to your settings, both in your graphics card control and in game.

Post processing will add some DOF which will cause distances to be blurred unless your focusing on them.

To sharpen up the image try changing these couple settings:

Post processing: Disabled

Terrain detail: highest setting

Anisotropic Filtering: Ultra (or whatever the highest is)

Turn FXAA to ultra.

In your graphics card contol panel, try and set everything to default/managed by application.

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Arma goes for a realistic visual method. Objects in distance just like real life will be difficult to see detail. debris in the air will aid to distort objects at a distance as well.

Thanks for the answer!

I just realize it's lacking of ground shadows!

It's the shadows that makes the mountain alive1

look at Outerra:



and Just Cause 2:


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Arma goes for a realistic visual method. Objects in distance just like real life will be difficult to see detail. debris in the air will aid to distort objects at a distance as well.

In real life at ranges of 300 metres the gorund does not blur into a smooth near textureless surface as it does in arma. You can still see bumps, irregular patches of grass, rocks sticks etc. although you cannot distinguish them clearly, you can still see irregularities on the terrain. Arma's textures from 100 to 500 metres are not realistic even when on the highest settings. Just look at these pics for comparison.




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Probably to ensure the maximum amount of specs could handle the game. Glad they opted for it. Really, it's ALPHA.

Final product = 59.99

Alpha = 33.99


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Probably to ensure the maximum amount of specs could handle the game.

I doubt it. I think it has more to do with the fact that they're using a satellite map for the ground at distance over 100 metres. Satellite images don't show the amount of detail you see from 100 - 500 metres away. The problem is seen even more when you use magnification.

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Bro maybe youre right, and maybe you're not so right.

The fact of the matter is, it's better in the long run because more system can handle it initially. It's low res.

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Bro maybe youre right, and maybe you're not so right.

The fact of the matter is, it's better in the long run because more system can handle it initially. It's low res.

I don't claim to be an expert but, this guy describes pretty well why I don't think that this is "the fact of the matter":


Increasing the details on the mid range environments will NOT have a drawback on the performance since the resolution is ALLREADY HIGH ENOUGH.

Example pic1 ---- Example pic 2. Both pics have the same resolution - for those guys who dont understand what I say...And the second pic is basically the same as the first - only blurred and with a rando texture above it. Thats exactly what BIS did. They had a blurry texture blurred ground and put a texture over it.

I hope you guys NOW see why the current texture has much room for improvement without beeing a performce hit at all.

The landscape simply lacks DETAILS in that textures!

Also - I DONT THINK THIS WILL CHANGE BEFORE RELEASE since the current state pretty much looks like Arma and Arma 2 landscapes just a bit improved <<<and thats what they most likely will be confident with!

So we need to point this out to them to get a change!

So in essence I don't think that this is purely done for performance purposes because it is possible to have more varied/detailed terrain textures with the same resolution. Right now arma probably actually has higher terrain textures than most other games, its just BIS doesn't seem to put much variety into these textures (due to the use of sat maps), resulting in bland, flat, "textureless" landscape.

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I agree that the shadows play a big role. But here's another factor. In real life people are well disguised when they lie far, not only because of a camouflage.. A role plays also that the surroundings are not static. Even in a light breeze something fluctuates, waves, in general moves, preventing to concentrate a look on one point (person).

Now with connection with this, come to mind some old days in old Aces High. If you looked through a viewing slit of the tank or from the hatch, you saw shivery texture of the terrain.

It could be glitch, due some circumstances, but thats not main point.

Maybe is way to use some sort of feature of "shivery texture" on medium distance? Approximately at that tempo, what fluctuating trees on a wind? (Until we see in game "grass, visible to the horizon").

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