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No entry 'model.cfg/CfgModels.default'

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Hello ladies/gentlemen:

I've been working on getting some custom vehicles in game, and I got a working basic 3ds of a Humvee, and got it all working fine. I wanted to do a supply truck that had some more complex features, but I cannot get the most basic feature to work: You cannot drive it. Now this is because there are absolutely no interaction options, although you can get gear in/out of it. Whenever I load the truck I get the following error:

No entry 'model.cfg/CfgModels.default'

I have looked at both files for bloody hours, I cannot figure out the issue. It is based upon my Humvee config/model.cfg which work perfectly, so this perplexes me greatly.

Any help would be excellent!


class CfgSkeletons {
class Car;	// External class reference

class dar_m1078wBones : Car {
isDiscrete = 1;
skeletonInherit = "";
skeletonBones[] = {"pravy predni", "", "pravy dalsi", "", "pravy zadni", "", "pravy prostredni", "", "levy predni", "", "levy dalsi", "", "levy zadni", "", "levy prostredni", "", "dvere1", "", "ukaz_fuel", "", "ukaz_rpm", "", "ukaz_rychlo", "", "volant", "", "mainTurret", "", "mainGun", "mainTurret", ""};

class CfgModels 
class Car;	// External class reference

class dar_m1078w : Car {
sectionsInherit = "";
sections[] = {"n1", "n2", "n3", "n4", "n5", "n6", "pruh", "light_brake", "pravy predni", "pravy dalsi", "pravy zadni", "pravy prostredni", "levy predni", "levy dalsi", "levy zadni", "levy prostredni", "L svetlo", "P svetlo"};
skeletonName = "dar_m1078wBones";

class Animations {

class mainTurret {
type = "rotationY";
source = "mainTurret";
selection = "mainTurret";
axis = "OsaVeze";
memory = 1;
sourceAddress = "loop";
minValue = "rad -360";
maxValue = "rad 360";
angle0 = "rad -360";
angle1 = "rad 360";

class mainGun {
type = "rotationX";
source = "mainGun";
selection = "mainGun";
axis = "OsaHlavne";
memory = 1;
sourceAddress = "clamp";
minValue = "-rad 4";
maxValue = "rad 60";
angle0 = "-rad 4";
angle1 = "rad 60";

class Dvere1 {
type = "rotation";
source = "rpm";
selection = "dvere1";
axis = "osa_dvere1";
memory = 1;
//sourceAddress = "clamp";
minValue = 0;
maxValue = 0.1;
angle0 = 0;
angle1 = 0.58;

class dar_m1078wFrontWheelR {
type = "rotationX";
source = "wheel";
selection = "pravy predni";
axis = "";
memory = 1;
sourceAddress = "loop";
minValue = 0;
maxValue = 1;
angle0 = 0;
angle1 = "rad -360";

class dar_m1078wFrontWheelL : dar_m1078wFrontWheelR {
selection = "levy predni";

class dar_m1078w2FrontWheelL : dar_m1078wFrontWheelR {
selection = "levy dalsi";

class dar_m1078w2FrontWheelR : dar_m1078wFrontWheelR {
selection = "pravy dalsi";

class dar_m1078w2RearWheelR : dar_m1078wFrontWheelR {
selection = "pravy prostredni";

class dar_m1078w2RearWheelL : dar_m1078wFrontWheelR {
selection = "levy prostredni";

class dar_m1078wRearWheelR : dar_m1078wFrontWheelR {
selection = "pravy zadni";

class dar_m1078wRearWheelL : dar_m1078wFrontWheelR {
selection = "levy zadni";

class dar_m1078wFrontWheelRTurn {
type = "rotationY";
source = "drivingWheel";
selection = "pravy predni";
axis = "";
memory = 1;
sourceAddress = "clamp";
minValue = -1;
maxValue = 1;
angle0 = "rad 35";
angle1 = "rad -35";

class dar_m1078wFrontWheelLTurn : dar_m1078wFrontWheelRTurn {
selection = "levy predni";

class dar_m1078w2FrontWheelRTurn : dar_m1078wFrontWheelRTurn {
selection = "pravy dalsi";

class dar_m1078w2FrontWheelLTurn : dar_m1078wFrontWheelLTurn {
selection = "levy dalsi";

class dar_m1078wDamperFrontWheelR {
type = "translationY";
source = "damper";
selection = "pravy predni";
axis = "";
memory = 1;
sourceAddress = "clamp";
minValue = 0;
maxValue = 1;
angle0 = 0;
angle1 = "35";

class dar_m1078wDamperFrontWheelL : dar_m1078wDamperFrontWheelR {
selection = "levy predni";

class dar_m1078w2DamperFrontWheelL : dar_m1078wDamperFrontWheelR {
selection = "levy dalsi";

class dar_m1078w2DamperFrontWheelR : dar_m1078wDamperFrontWheelR {
selection = "pravy dalsi";

class dar_m1078w2DamperRearWheelR : dar_m1078wDamperFrontWheelR {
selection = "pravy prostredni";

class dar_m1078w2DamperRearWheelL : dar_m1078wDamperFrontWheelR {
selection = "levy prostredni";

class dar_m1078wDamperRearWheelR : dar_m1078wDamperFrontWheelR {
selection = "pravy zadni";

class dar_m1078wDamperRearWheelL : dar_m1078wDamperFrontWheelR {
selection = "levy zadni";

class dar_m1078wIndicatorSpeed {
type = "rotation";
source = "speed";
memory = 0;
selection = "ukaz_rychlo";
axis = "osa_rychlo";
angle0 = 0;
angle1 = "rad -240";
minValue = 0;
maxValue = 60;

class dar_m1078wIndicatorRPM {
type = "rotation";
source = "rpm";
memory = 0;
selection = "ukaz_rpm";
axis = "osa_rpm";
angle0 = 0;
angle1 = "rad -270";
minValue = 0;
maxValue = 1.5;

class dar_m1078wIndicatorFuel {
type = "rotation";
source = "fuel";
memory = 0;
selection = "ukaz_fuel";
axis = "osa_fuel";
angle0 = "0";
angle1 = "rad 270";
minValue = 0;
maxValue = 1;

class dar_m1078wDrivingWheel {
type = "rotation";
source = "drivingWheel";
selection = "volant";
axis = "osavolantkon";
memory = 0;
angle0 = "rad 180";
angle1 = "rad -180";
minValue = -1;
maxValue = 1;


#define true 1
#define false 0

#define private 0
#define protected 1
#define public 2

#define TEast 0
#define TWest 1
#define TGuerrila 2
#define TCivilian 3
#define TSideUnknown 4
#define TEnemy 5
#define TFriendly 6
#define TLogic 7

#define VSoft 0
#define VArmor 1
#define VAir 2

#define LockNo 0
#define LockCadet 1
#define LockYes 2

#define ReadAndWrite 0
#define ReadAndCreate 1
#define ReadOnly 2
#define ReadOnlyVerified 3

class CfgPatches 
class dar_m1078w
units[] = {"dar_m1078w", ""}; 
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 1.0; 
requiredAddons[] = {CAData};

class CfgModels {
class Car;	// External class reference

class dar_m1078w : Car {
sectionsInherit = "";
sections[] = {"n1", "n2", "n3", "n4", "n5", "n6", "pruh", "light_brake", "light", "pravy predni", "pravy dalsi", "pravy zadni", "pravy prostredni", "levy predni", "levy dalsi", "levy zadni", "levy prostredni", "L svetlo", "P svetlo", "clan"};
skeletonName = "dar_m1078wJeepBones";

class Animations {
class mainTurret {
type = "rotationY";
source = "mainTurret";
selection = "mainTurret";
axis = "OsaVeze";
memory = 1;
sourceAddress = "loop";
minValue = "rad -360";
maxValue = "rad 360";
angle0 = "rad -360";
angle1 = "rad 360";

class mainGun {
type = "rotationX";
source = "mainGun";
selection = "mainGun";
axis = "OsaHlavne";
memory = 1;
sourceAddress = "clamp";
minValue = "-rad 4";
maxValue = "rad 60";
angle0 = "-rad 4";
angle1 = "rad 60";

class Dvere1 {
type = "rotation";
source = "rpm";
selection = "dvere1";
axis = "osa_dvere1";
memory = 1;
//sourceAddress = "clamp";
minValue = 0;
maxValue = 0.1;
angle0 = 0;
angle1 = 0.58;

class dar_m1078wFrontWheelR {
type = "rotationX";
source = "wheel";
selection = "pravy predni";
axis = "";
memory = 1;
sourceAddress = "loop";
minValue = 0;
maxValue = 1;
angle0 = 0;
angle1 = "rad -360";

class dar_m1078wFrontWheelL : dar_m1078wFrontWheelR {
selection = "levy predni";

class dar_m1078w2FrontWheelL : dar_m1078wFrontWheelR {
selection = "levy dalsi";

class dar_m1078w2FrontWheelR : dar_m1078wFrontWheelR {
selection = "pravy dalsi";

class dar_m1078w2RearWheelR : dar_m1078wFrontWheelR {
selection = "pravy prostredni";

class dar_m1078w2RearWheelL : dar_m1078wFrontWheelR {
selection = "levy prostredni";

class dar_m1078wRearWheelR : dar_m1078wFrontWheelR {
selection = "pravy zadni";

class dar_m1078wRearWheelL : dar_m1078wFrontWheelR {
selection = "levy zadni";

class dar_m1078wFrontWheelRTurn {
type = "rotationY";
source = "drivingWheel";
selection = "pravy predni";
axis = "";
memory = 1;
sourceAddress = "clamp";
minValue = -1;
maxValue = 1;
angle0 = "rad 35";
angle1 = "rad -35";

class dar_m1078wFrontWheelLTurn : dar_m1078wFrontWheelRTurn {
selection = "levy predni";

class dar_m1078w2FrontWheelRTurn : dar_m1078wFrontWheelRTurn {
selection = "pravy dalsi";

class dar_m1078w2FrontWheelLTurn : dar_m1078wFrontWheelLTurn {
selection = "levy dalsi";

class dar_m1078wDamperFrontWheelR {
type = "translationY";
source = "damper";
selection = "pravy predni";
axis = "";
memory = 1;
sourceAddress = "clamp";
minValue = 0;
maxValue = 1;
angle0 = 0;
angle1 = "35";

class dar_m1078wDamperFrontWheelL : dar_m1078wDamperFrontWheelR {
selection = "levy predni";

class dar_m1078w2DamperFrontWheelL : dar_m1078wDamperFrontWheelR {
selection = "levy dalsi";

class dar_m1078w2DamperFrontWheelR : dar_m1078wDamperFrontWheelR {
selection = "pravy dalsi";

class dar_m1078w2DamperRearWheelR : dar_m1078wDamperFrontWheelR {
selection = "pravy prostredni";

class dar_m1078w2DamperRearWheelL : dar_m1078wDamperFrontWheelR {
selection = "levy prostredni";

class dar_m1078wDamperRearWheelR : dar_m1078wDamperFrontWheelR {
selection = "pravy zadni";

class dar_m1078wDamperRearWheelL : dar_m1078wDamperFrontWheelR {
selection = "levy zadni";

class dar_m1078wIndicatorSpeed {
type = "rotation";
source = "speed";
memory = 0;
selection = "ukaz_rychlo";
axis = "osa_rychlo";
angle0 = 0;
angle1 = "rad -240";
minValue = 0;
maxValue = 60;

class dar_m1078wIndicatorRPM {
type = "rotation";
source = "rpm";
memory = 0;
selection = "ukaz_rpm";
axis = "osa_rpm";
angle0 = 0;
angle1 = "rad -270";
minValue = 0;
maxValue = 1.5;

class dar_m1078wIndicatorFuel {
type = "rotation";
source = "fuel";
memory = 0;
selection = "ukaz_fuel";
axis = "osa_fuel";
angle0 = "0";
angle1 = "rad 270";
minValue = 0;
maxValue = 1;

class dar_m1078wDrivingWheel {
type = "rotation";
source = "drivingWheel";
selection = "volant";
axis = "osavolantkon";
memory = 0;
angle0 = "rad 180";
angle1 = "rad -180";
minValue = -1;
maxValue = 1;

class CfgVehicles
class Car;
class dar_m1078w : Car
	selectionBackLights = "brzdove svetlo";
	scope = public;
	model = "\dar_fmtv\dar_m1078.p3d";
	Picture = "\dar_fmtv\Icons\icon.paa";
	Icon = "\dar_fmtv\Icons\icon.paa";
	mapSize = 8;
	terrainCoef = 0.5;
	displayName = "M1078 2.5-Ton";
	side = TWest;
	maxspeed = 85;
	crew = "US_Soldier_EP1";
	nameSound = "Jeep";
	magazines[] = {"30rnd_9x19_MP5"};
	armor = 500;
	type = VArmor;
	cost = 100000;
	armorGlass = 0.5;
	armorWheels = 0.05;
	soundEngine[] = {"\dar_hmmwvtest\engine.wss", db10, 0.7};
	soundGetIn[] = {"\ca\wheeled\Data\Sound\Humvee_doors", db-20, 1};
	soundGetOut[] = {"\ca\wheeled\Data\Sound\Humvee_doors", db-20, 1};
	soundGear[] = {"\ca\wheeled\Data\Sound\shifter_v3", db-90, 1};
	soundServo[] = {"\ca\wheeled\Data\Sound\servo3", db-40, 1.0};
	typicalCargo[] = {"SUS_Soldier_EP1", "US_Soldier_EP1", "US_Soldier_LAT_EP1", "US_Soldier_Officer_EP1"};
	transportSoldier = 1;
	canfloat = 0;
	driverForceOptics = 0;
	hasGunner = 0;
	acceleration = 5;

class Turrets {};
driverOpticsModel = "\ca\Tracked\optika_tank_driver";
castDriverShadow = false;
driverIsCommander = true;
driverAction = "UAZ_Driver";
cargoAction[] = {"HMMWV_Cargo01", "HMMWV_Cargo01", "UAZ_Cargo01"};
canLock = LockNo;
unitInfoType = "UnitInfoSoldier";

class Library {libTextDesc = "M1078 2.5 Ton Multipurpose transport vehicle.";};

class HitLFWheel {armor=0.38;material=-1;name="Levy predni tlumic";visual="Levy predni";passThrough=0;};
class HitRFWheel {armor=0.38;material=-1;name="Pravy predni tlumic";visual="Pravy predni";passThrough=0;};

class HitLBWheel {armor=0.38;material=-1;name="Levy zadni tlumic";visual="Levy zadni";passThrough=0;};
class HitRBWheel {armor=0.38;material=-1;name="Pravy zadni tlumic";visual="Pravy zadni";passThrough=0;};

// threat (VSoft, VArmor, VAir), how threatening vehicle is to unit types
threat[] = {0, 0, 0};

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try to inherit from UAZ_Unarmed_Base instead of Car core class

your class : uaz_unarmed_base { ......... };

not your car class : car {....}

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