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What Dedi Home server network settings ? - Got always desync

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Hey i have dsl 50000k with 7000 kbps upload but no matter how i configured the dedi server i always got big desync in coop missions which i play alone on a second pc!

Both pc are win764 8gb Ram with 3750@4.5 and ssd.

So what settings ? Minimum Bandwith i set to 768 cause i only wanna play with max 3 people..me and 2 friends via internet.

Maximum messages i tried 50 and 500 nothing happens when theres shooting or things going on big lag...

Maximum bandwith to 2000 or to 8, no difference...can any one help me with the 3 player dedi server for small coop mission with my 7000kbps upstream vdsl?

i work with this : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?104991-Tophe-s-ArmA2-Dedicated-Server-Tool-(TA2DST)

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What mission are you playing? People seem to have big problems playing MSO_ missions. Also, it's highly unlikely that you got "dsl 50000k" because that would mean that your download-speed is 6103,5 MB/s or 5,9 GB/s. And I don't know if its a good idea to set the value for MinBandwith that low, since it's measured in bit/s. And MaximumBandwith at 2000 or 8(000) ? Could you please post your arma2oa.cfg?

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I think he means kbps not KB/s so 50,000kbps = ~50Mbps or 6.25 MB/sec which makes more sense.

Instead of posting your cfg just use the default cfg from the arma wiki.

your dsl's ping might be a problem, more so then the cfg. With only 5-10 people on a dedi or non-dedi default cfg will work. Unless you make missions that would make NASA's server sweat...

And make sure your ports are open.

incoming ports:

port UDP (used for game)

port+1 UDP (used for server reporting)

port+3 UDP (used for VoN transmissions)

Following outgoing ports need to be open as well:

port UDP (used for game)

port+3 UDP (used for VoN transmissions)

Default value of port is 2302, but you may change it by -port command line argument.

Edited by Darth_Olderon

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Hey Tarabas,

Only ran across your thread today, so you poss have solved your issue by now.

Nyways .. here are my Bandwidth settings and I run the same style as you. Dedicated server (which I connect to via Lan) and 2 or 3 friends join.

Currently the settings below seem to work well with Domination style maps. One thing I noticed is if you increase the Maxmsgsend too much it can cause

stuttering and desync. ... Also I increased my minimum Bandwidth to cover more than 3/4 people even though I never use it, the server seems to like to have

more to play with ..... Try try and try agin :-) GLuck.















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