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How to prevent AI of reacting to shots/bullets in a certain area?

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Hi guys,

I'm currently creating a mission in which I build a training camp with several different firing ranges, CQC objects and so on. To give some more ambient to the whole thing, I wanted to add some patrols and other soldiers to that camp. Unfortunately they are all going nuts if someone is on the firing range and fires his gun.

On one other training ground, there will be enemies to practice some real action, so I need the "full" AI behaviour there.

So, here is the question:

Is there a possibility to prevent the AI of "hitting the dirt" at all in a certain area?

Thanks for your help in advance!

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In addition to what dragonsyr said, try

unitname disableAI "FSM";

For the units.

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Hmm. I'm not sure if it's to do with HIP mod, but when I use disable fsm, the Ai still engage. And I can tell the command is working, because they do/ go where I need them to. IE; disable fsm + domove. I needed some troops to move freely while in waste deep water, (usually they just stood there) but fsm did the trick, though they still even engaged.

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unitname disableai "autotarget";
unitname disableai "target";

FSM disables AI behavior scripts afaik, but autotarget should disable them from engaging automatically.

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Thanks for the input. I've re-read my opening post and i have to admit that there is some possibility for misunderstandings. The AI is friendly. I've tried the careless behavior but that wouldn't help. They start running around and go prone if someone is using the firing ranges.

But I'll try some of the suggestions anyway and report back.

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