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setSkill / profile question

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Can someone explain how the skill settings in your Profile interact with the setskill command? I believe since 1.60 the precisionFriendly and precisionEnemy settings in the profile have no effect, so If I set my profile for skillFriendly and skillEnemy to '1' does that set all parts of the skills array to 1' and then I can modify in a script.. say; _unit setskill ["aimingAccuracy", 0.8] leaving the rest at '1' ?

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Ondrej Spanel explained it to me like this once:

If you set the skill in your profile to 0.5 and the skill in the mission to 1.0 the result will be something in between the two, e.g. 0.7

How exactly it is calculated he hasn't said, or I forgot it.

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hmm... so for instance "skillEnemy 1" in profile.. and "_unit setskill ["aimingAccuracy", 0.5]" in a script.. then only "aimaingAccuracy" would be ~ .7 and the remaining elements in the skill array would be 1? I'm assuming you can't set "aimingAccuracy" in the profile. Maybe that's a bad assumption?

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You can set the enemy precision in the profile actually. Which then goes the same I presume: precisionEnemy=1 in the profile and "_unit setskill ["aimingAccuracy", 0.5]" results in an average value between the two parameters set.

It would be somewhat easy to find out with a script which returns the true value from a unit you are looking at in the editor I guess.

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okay, thanks, I had thought precisionEnemy in profile no longer had effect since 1.60 based on this

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Hmm I still have the values in my config which was made before 1.60. But the sliders are indeed gone in 1.62.

Question is now if the values are still read when added manually to the config.

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I think the bug was that the precision value was never read or read incorrectly, so it was removed altogether.

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