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Kill zone

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( Kill zone ) I thought this might have improved in this latest version but alas no! I went into the Editor set up 3 men about 300/400yrds away and sat as the Gunner in my Main Battle Tank and fired a shell right between the 3 of them. It hit very close to the middle man's feet, a few second after the smoke cleared I seen 3 bodies lying on the ground but not for long , they stood up and carried on as though a firework had went off next to them instead of a Sabot Shell. Still got my own back , aborted the Tank and went back in with my pistol and shot the 3 of them in the head, that will teach them not to die when I hit them with a Tank round. The Sim is still the best out there but I hope this will be fixed.

Highlander !

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This is a Resistance question, isn't it? In Operation Flashpoint, once someone falls down, they stay down. Unless, that is, they merely went to prone position and then got up. But then you should have been able to see that they were still alive while in prone position.

Do people get blown down while still alive in Resistance?

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