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MQ-9 plane landing

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I need some help with getting a MQ-9 plane to land properly..........the scripts and stuff work, but the MQ-9 always lands early and hits a wall........not that far from where its supposed to land! Sorry i cant post links to pictures....this is my first post.

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Yes the predator all ways falls short when landing, on Utes the are at least 100meters short.

I've used this in the past.

place trigger before they hit the deck (trial and error)

Blufor Present repeating


{typeof _x == "MQ9PredatorB"} count thislist >0  

on act

{if (typeof _x == "MQ9PredatorB") then {null=[_x,20] execvm "slow_decent.sqf";}} foreach thislist

save as slow_decent.sqf

// nul=[planename,minheight] execvm"slow_decent.sqf" ;

_plane = _this select 0;
_minheight = _this select 1;

Hint "Remote Pilot On";

while {(getpos _plane select 2) >_minheight  } do {
_vel = velocity _plane;
_dir = getdir _plane;

_plane setvelocity [(_vel select 0),(_vel select 1),(_vel select 2)+0.3]; // this adds some upward force to keep it up

sleep 0.1;

Hint "Remote Pilot Off";

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Yes the predator all ways falls short when landing, on Utes the are at least 100meters short.

I've used this in the past.

place trigger before they hit the deck (trial and error)

Blufor Present repeating


{typeof _x == "MQ9PredatorB"} count thislist >0  

on act

{if (typeof _x == "MQ9PredatorB") then {null=[_x,20] execvm "slow_decent.sqf";}} foreach thislist

save as slow_decent.sqf

// nul=[planename,minheight] execvm"slow_decent.sqf" ;

_plane = _this select 0;
_minheight = _this select 1;

Hint "Remote Pilot On";

while {(getpos _plane select 2) >_minheight  } do {
_vel = velocity _plane;
_dir = getdir _plane;

_plane setvelocity [(_vel select 0),(_vel select 1),(_vel select 2)+0.3]; // this adds some upward force to keep it up

sleep 0.1;

Hint "Remote Pilot Off";


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Hi, could this script work for AI controlled Jets?

I'm using PLA_VME and want a JH7AA (but does not matte what VME Jet. This is for EyeCandy purposes. Nothing functional for the player.

Jet safely lands at airport (Zargabad Air Base) and taxi's down the runway from South to North and ends at the Hanger...Pilot gets out (that would be cool!).



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Not sure just try replacing the "Q9PredatorB" with the correct aircraft type.

It's not really a landing script it's just adjusting the approach because the MQ-9 was falling quite short of the runway.

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Would that be the classname or the name of the unit?

By any chance, have you come across anybody using a script for one I need? Seems like an Editing 101 thing to me. I'm sure I've seen it done in other missions.

Player at airport sees plane landing.....should be easy enough.....(I guess....;) )

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KK wrote:

Jet safely lands at airport (Zargabad Air Base) and taxi's down the runway from South to North and ends at the Hanger...Pilot gets out (that would be cool!).

This works for me:

Place last waypoint of flight path at desired airfield and use the get out option. Not sure of the default approach for Zargabad Air Base but it may be opposite of what you want.



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As wombat50 says waypoints should work fine for normal aircraft, you need to issue the land command in a waypoint .

in the waypoint action put aircraftname land "land"

The plane may take a while but it should land and taxi until it reaches the getout waypoint.

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