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Satchel Animation

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I have been pouring through the animation viewer trying to find the animation for placing charges and can't seem to find it. Does anyone happen to know the animation name and would it be a playmove or switch move to have the AI do it at a waypoint?

I had a mission where a two man team set charges at a tower to blow it up. When I installed ACE it quit working so I am trying to do a work around by just having the team look like they are placing the charges and then using a trigger to create a bomb that will detonate and destroy the tower. So all I need is how to get these guys to look like they are planting the charges.

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AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic - which isn´t exactly planting a satchel, but enough fiddling around on the ground to make it okay ;D

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Such questions belong to Mission editing & scripting. Next time thread will be closed, this time moved.

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Thank you for the answer. I think this may actually do the trick for me. My apologies on the misplacement, I was posting from my phone an for some reason did not show all of the subcategories or I would have put it in the right place.

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