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Heli landing again

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For an overview:

Player is leader of the group, chopper comes and hovers over the landing pad. He will just hover short over ground/land until the player orders his group to board chopper.

Hi, I tried out every tip I found in this board but nothing works. I also get error messages that land is an unknown command. Whats that supposed to mean? (Using Resistance/OPF ver.1.75 editor). And before someone asks: yes, this land-order came when the choppers speed was 0.

chopper action ["land"] did also not bring the proper effect.

also chopper flyinheight 0 was not recognized, the chopper is hovering and waiting for me to command my men to it

Is there a possibility to order the unit to board chopper by script or activation field and not by mouse? I already tried it with: unit action ["getin cargo", chopper], but it didn't work.

I'd grateful for any hints to make this heli land when he has reached the land/ hold whatever waypoint.

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did you try using a load waypoint for the chopper and a getin waypoint for the group and syncing them together?

that's how i usually do it.

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yes, affirmative. The point is that its working at all, but the AI only lands the chopper after I order my men to board the chopper. So i want to know if there is an action command or do**** command which can order group members to board the chopper.

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If the chopper is flying to a specific waypoint to pick your men up do the following.

1. Put an invisible H at the waypoint you want your men picked up. It can be a move waypoint it doesn't matter.

2. On the choppers flightpath just before the "h" put a trigger (big enough so that the chopper flys through it 75x100 maybe) group the trigger with the chopper and put in the init field of the trigger - chopper LAND "get in" - this will make the chopper land with its rotors still turning for you to get in. If you want the rotors to stop it should be - chopper LAND "land".

3. Make a switch trigger and synchronise this with the waypoint where you are picked up and make the condition -mygroup in chopper.

Then the chopper will fly in, land and wait for you to board. Once you are all on board it will fly off. wink.gif

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Thx a lot

but it doesn't work. just comes an error msg: "chopper #||land "get in" ;unkown command land"

strange thing because its mentioned in scripting documention

and seems to be widely used.

I already tried various other solutions from this and other forums but it all didn't work. Anyhow, it seems to me that several things work different in scripting on different computersystems. I tried this mission on an other computer using same installation (opf+resistance) and the AI did completely other things.

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That should work:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">

helicopter land mode

Operand types:

helicopter: Object

mode: String

Type of returned value:



Force helicopter landing. Landing mode may be "LAND" (complete stop), "GET IN" (hovering very low, for another unit to get in), "GET OUT" (hovering low,for another unit to get out)


cobraOne land "LAND"

<span id='postcolor'>

You could use unitname assignascargo choppername to get the units into the heli.


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Ok, I didn't said anything. Curiously the operator land is only not known in this specific mission. I made a test in a fresh map (same island) and everything works fine. So I have to start again in building this mission (except the scripts and briefing)

thx again

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Try to see where you used the land operator in your mission, with notepad. Perhaps you have used a variable name which collided with the command land.

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