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MJR. Gastovski

What is resistance like?

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I have been to the town where I live about 3 times and it's always the same the butt-wipe at the counter says "SOLD OUT HAHAHAHA YOU WILL NEVER GET THEN I WILL RULE THE WORLD!"(eeerr oops I'm exagerating all he said was Sold out) and this is a toal bummer cos I want it NOW!! so anyone that does (you lucky people) have resistance tell me what it is like?

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Well Mjr Gastovsky, you have been there on your own 20 years ago, why would you want to see it all again in a computer game?! tounge.gif

And if you would tell us the town, maybe someone might point out a shop where you could find the last copy, eg. here in Munich I was in one shop that had not a single copy while in another the shelf was full with about a dozent or two of it...

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You can try to order Resistance via internet in some online shop. amazon or something like that.

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In essence this is a release date type thread so go use one of the open ones.

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