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Does 128mb video ram help?

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I'm going to buy a Geforce4200, but I'm not sure if I should take a 128Mb or a 64Mb version. I know about the difference in speed between the two, but if ofp:r uses more than the 64Mb at times, then the performance advantage would be zero or even negative because of the transfering of textures between main slow ram and video ram.

Has anybody benchmarked these? Or could BIS give some info on this?

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If you can afford the 128mb version then go for it. I don't see why it would cause any problems. Besides in the long run I think you would rather have the extra ram.

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Nothing really uses 128mb right now, but if AA is your bag then get it because AA will use more memory, esp. at higher resolutions. Some games are starting to use really high texture formats that choke 64mb cards. SOFII is one, but I don't see any preseaved difference between the 'very high' and 'high' textures and it takes an extra minute to load the 'very high' so I stuck with the 'high', but people complained with 64mb the 'very high' stutters.


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I recently upgraded from an Asus GeForce 2 32MB to an Asus GeForce 4 128 MB Ram , and that was a big improvement smile.gif I think the more memory the better..

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