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Help, please! Having issues patching Arma 2 CO!!

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Please, help me, i'm trying to update Arma 2 CO/AO Patch 1.60.

When i open the "ARMA2OA_Update_160.exe", it opens and extracts till it reaches 40%/48%, and then nothing happens, when i open the game, it says the version is 1.59 :\

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How much free space is there on your main drive? (The one where Windows is installed.)

Have you tried extracting the patch to your desktop and then running it?

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If you have only 500 Mb of free space, you may soon run into problems (applications halting, windows behaving erratically). The 1.60 patch is around 700 Mb, IIRC. Do you mean 500 Gb free space? If not, do yourself a favor and delete unused stuff from your system


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