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ArmA2 OA has stopped working

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I have searched through the forums and on Google and still have this issue.

When I start up ArmA2 OA (even ArmA2 or the beta exe's do this) it will do the usual checkbox load, then the game itself will startup. Once it hits the loadscreen (before the main menu) the game will crash with "ArmA2 OA Has stopped working"

I was playing the game perfectly fine last night, but I came back home and this is happening...

I restarted my PC; verified game cache in Steam, installed a beta patch, reinstalled BattleEye, closed out Steam, turned off other programs, disabled Avast, etc...

I also tried starting the game through Steam, a mod launcher, through the desktop shortcuts, and even the exe itself.

I ran it with mods and without mods too.



Problem signature:
 Problem Event Name:	APPCRASH
 Application Name:	Arma2OA.exe
 Application Version:
 Application Timestamp:	51150800
 Fault Module Name:	Arma2OA.exe
 Fault Module Version:
 Fault Module Timestamp:	51150800
 Exception Code:	c0000005
 Exception Offset:	0018ada5
 OS Version:	6.1.7600.
 Locale ID:	1033
 Additional Information 1:	0a9e
 Additional Information 2:	0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
 Additional Information 3:	0a9e
 Additional Information 4:	0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

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Edited by zooloo75

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Have you installed any new software or used any new software in conjunction with ArmA?

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The only thing I added was Facetracknoir, and that was in a zip - no installation.

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Have you tried running as administrator? Right click and then click "Run as administrator"

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Yes I have tried that :(

No luck.

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BUMP, still having this issue.

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Please, anyone? I even emailed BIS and didn't get a response :C

I have a server to develop, and I've been unable to do any work to it at all for the past 2 days...

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Reinstalled OA, and it still does this...

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Day 3, I received no solution to this and have been unable to play any ArmA...

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when you reinstalled, did you also installed the beta?,might wanna try OA and see if it works then try the latest beta,

seems odd that it did work but dont work after the beta. full reinstalling is your best bet. or try to install on a other pc/laptop to see if its the copy or the pc(mayby some program)thats messing it up.

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Found this with google:

Problem #1 ArmA 2 Day Z Keeps crashing when joining server or loading the game:

Try this list of compiled known solutions from all over the web. If these don’t work, please proceed reading to check if a better solution can help you. We also encourage you to post your issues in the comments sections for some community love.

Delete this dll file (make sure you keep a backup) and run the game: Program Files (x86)/Bohemia Interactive/ArmA 2/Expansion/beta/dll/tbb4malloc_bi.dll

Put graphics to the lowest settings. Leave memory to default and set shadows to high, put the rest on normal.

If you’ve overclocked your GPU, or have a factory overclock then get Rivatuner and try pulling that back to stock speeds. If you aren’t overclocked, then try pulling your GPU back just a bit from stock and see what happens.

Single display mode – Go into your nVidia control panel and switch it from nVidia recommended (multi display) to single display mode in the 3d management section. Admittedly this might be an issue if you run more than one display.

Some extra info: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Custom_Memory_Allocator

But, I have no idea if this is all still valid. But it is worth a shot (make sure to backup so you can put the file back!)

Also, check your case/cpu/gpu/mobo temperatures and test your RAM, maybe it is hardware related!

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The only thing I added was Facetracknoir, and that was in a zip - no installation.

Which version of FreeTrackNoIR was it and where did you download it? The program normally requires installation after unzipping.

Btw. where did you unzip it to?

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This happens to ArmA2, OA, and the Betas.

I reinstalled through Steam last night, and it still does this. I even removed my profiles and had no luck.

The facetracknoir was in a zip, and I just extracted it - I got it from sthalik.

I don't play DayZ so that's not the problem. I didn't install anything at all between the time that ArmA worked and not worked.

I didn't OC anything either.

I unzipped Facetrack to its own directory.

---------- Post added at 04:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:22 PM ----------

I also reinstalled the graphics drivers (even though I was already up-to-date)

---------- Post added at 04:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:37 PM ----------

Other games work fine though. So I doubt it's my system.

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I hope you restarted your PC after you uninstalled ArmA. It is always a good idea to restart your PC after you uninstall something if you plan on reinstalling it.

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Found this with google:

Some extra info: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Custom_Memory_Allocator

But, I have no idea if this is all still valid. But it is worth a shot (make sure to backup so you can put the file back!)

Also, check your case/cpu/gpu/mobo temperatures and test your RAM, maybe it is hardware related!

Tried the custom mem allocators, didn't fix the issue.

I'm completely clueless as to how this even happened... I didn't install anything (except for facetracknoir, but it was working still when I got that.), didn't get any mods, nothing. I just wake up and see that none of my ArmAs work at all.

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there is still the chance the problem lies with Steam and got nothing to do with arma,think thats your last bet in trying to solve the problem,seems steam users often have issues with the game but usually its a steam problem(exe not working,keys etc...).

good luck

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Checked the registry, and my keys are still there. So it's not a registry issue.

---------- Post added 02-16-2013 at 12:09 AM ---------- Previous post was 02-15-2013 at 11:24 PM ----------

Doing a system restore to a point way before this started happening.

---------- Post added at 12:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 AM ----------

I did the system restore and that fixed it! :D

I'd still like to know how this happened so I could avoid this in the future and so others that read this will be able to avoid it too.

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I have found out why it does this - facetracknoir is causing this for me.

---------- Post added at 04:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 PM ----------

Simply having it on my PC causes ArmA not to work. Deleting it fixed it for me. Hope this helps anyone with a similar issue.

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I was running an early drop of FaceTrackNoIR 1.7 for several days with no problem, then all of a sudden no version of Arma 2 would launch for me. Did many many steps and finally saw this thread, removed FaceTrackNopIR and I'm up and running again. Not sure if it is a registry setting or a complaint about one of the additional drivers that Arma tries to load(i.e. the joystick emulator?) If I learn more I will update this thread. I certainly want FaceTrackNoIR to be compatible with Arma. -b

Edit: I tracked it down to the FreeTrackClient.dll, I reckon that If there is an entry in the registry for FreeTrack, then Arma 2 looks in the FreeTrack path for the dll and attempts to load it. After hiding just that dll and leaving FaceTrackNoIR installed, no Arma 2 crash. It did not seem to care about the FreeTrackClient64.dll that was also in that path.

Edited by [bbs]

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