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Trying to respawn in a flying helicopter!!!

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So, I am trying to make a mission for my friends and me to play that includes little bird dogfights. We want to respawn in a flying little bird when we die, but, With my current abilities, I can only make it where when we die you spawn as a rifleman on the ground. Could someone please help me with this.

GOAL: Respawn in a flying little bird.


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Hi, your thread still in the wrong section, should be here:

ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting


If you are not sure where to post then you should contact a moderator and they can move a thread for you.

A moderator's name can be found linked at the bottom of each forum for what they moderate.

As for your question only thing I can think of that would enable you to respawn in a flying helicopter, which btw I have played a mission that had that,

trying to remember which one, i will have to get back to you on, but off the top of my head you would need to setup a respawn and utilize the getpos command,

and I have no idea how to do that.

Someone else should be able to tell you, its been done before.

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I'd imagine using moveincargo right after respawn would be the way.

edit: Actually, after thinking about your question for a second, the obvious thing to do would be to figure out how it's done in DM 08 Dogfighters, which is a default mission on Takistan.

Edited by Harzach

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