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Does it exist? : Drivebys

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I am wondering if there's a driveby script -- I searched but couldn't find any. I just created a driveby system where players can shoot out of vehicles.

If no such script has been made yet, I am willing to release mine for someone to possibly make a mod out of it (it could use some proper sitting animations that allow the player to shoot).


I built this for my Chernarus Life server.


driveby = 0;
facingBack = 0;
facingFront = 0;
facingLeft = 0;
facingRight = 0;
driveByCar = objnull;
onKeyPress = compile preprocessFile "onKeyPress.sqf";
waituntil {!(IsNull (findDisplay 46))};
(findDisplay 46) displaySetEventHandler ["KeyDown", "_this call onKeyPress"];


private["_handled", "_faceCP", "_faceVP"];

_key     = _this select 1;
_shift   = _this select 2;
_handled = false;

switch _key do

case 14:
	if(driveBy == 1) exitwith 
	_nearCars = nearestobjects [player,["landvehicle"],10];
	detach player;
	driveBy = 0;
	player moveincargo (_nearCars select 0);
	facingBack = 0;
	facingFront = 0;
	facingLeft = 0;
	facingRight = 0;
	_handled = true;
	if(driveBy == 0 && vehicle player != player) exitwith 
	facingBack = 0;
	facingFront = 1;
	facingLeft = 0;
	facingRight = 0;
	execVM "driveby.sqf";
	_handled = true;

case 19:
	if(driveBy == 0) exitwith {};
	reload player;
	_handled = true;

case 16:
	if(driveBy == 0 || facingBack == 1) exitwith {};
	facingBack = 1;
	facingFront = 0;
	facingLeft = 0;
	facingRight = 0;
	player setdir 180;
	_handled = true;

case 18:
	if(driveBy == 0 || facingFront == 1) exitwith {};
	facingBack = 0;
	facingFront = 1;
	facingLeft = 0;
	facingRight = 0;
	player setdir 0;
	_handled = true;

case 45:
	if(driveBy == 0 || facingLeft == 1) exitwith {};
	facingBack = 0;
	facingFront = 0;
	facingLeft = 1;
	facingRight = 0;
	player setdir -90;
	_handled = true;

case 46:
	if(driveBy == 0 || facingRight == 1) exitwith {};
	facingBack = 0;
	facingFront = 0;
	facingLeft = 0;
	facingRight = 1;
	player setdir 90;
	_handled = true;



_vcl = vehicle player;
driveByCar = _vcl;
if(driver vehicle player == player) exitwith {player allowdamage true;};
//People in the vehicle and calculations
_crewSlot = crew vehicle player;
_mySlot = _crewSlot find player; 
//player groupchat format ["%1",_mySlot];
if (_mySlot > 3) exitwith {hint "You cannot perform a driveby in this seat.";player allowdamage true;};
if (_mySlot == 0) exitwith {hint "You cannot perform a driveby without a driver.";player allowdamage true;};
//Supported Vehicle check
_supported = [

//if !((typeof _vcl) in _supported) exitwith {hint "This vehicle is not supported for drivebys (yet!)";};

player allowdamage false;
_oldVel = velocity driveByCar;
format['%1 setvelocity [0,0,0];', driveByCar] call broadcast;
driveByCar setvelocity [0,0,0];

//Vehicle checks
if(_vcl iskindof "TT650_Base") then {moveout player; player attachto [_vcl,[-0.1,-0.3,-1]];};

if(_vcl iskindof "M1030") then {moveout player; player attachto [_vcl,[-0.1,-0.3,-1]];};

if(_vcl iskindof "SUV_Base_EP1") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.75,-0.25,-0.95]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.75,-1,-0.95]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.85,-1,-0.95]];};};

if(_vcl iskindof "Lada_base") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.55,0.25,-1.3]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.6,-0.5,-1.3]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.55,-0.5,-1.3]];};};

if(_vcl iskindof "SkodaBase") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.4,0,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.65,-0.8,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.4,-0.8,-1.35]];};};

if(_vcl iskindof "VWGolf") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.6,0.2,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.6,-0.7,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.6,-0.7,-1.35]];};};

if(_vcl iskindof "UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.6,0,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.6,-0.5,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.6,-0.5,-1.35]];};};

if(_vcl iskindof "UAZ_Unarmed_Base") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.6,0,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.6,-0.5,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.6,-0.5,-1.35]];};};

if(_vcl iskindof "UAZ_Base") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.6,0,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.6,-0.5,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.6,-0.5,-1.35]];};};

if(_vcl iskindof "ATV_Base_EP1") then {moveout player; player attachto [_vcl,[0.0,-0.7,-0.85]];};

if(_vcl iskindof "LandRover_Base") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.7,0.4,-0.9]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.6,-0.5,-0.9]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.6,-0.5,-0.9]];};};

if(_vcl iskindof "S1203_TK_CIV_EP1") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.85,1.1,-1]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.85,0.1,-1]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.35,0.1,-1]];};};

if(_vcl iskindof "Volha_TK_CIV_Base_EP1") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.55,0.1,-1.25]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.55,-0.6,-1.25]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.55,-0.6,-1.25]];};};

if(_vcl iskindof "car_sedan") then {moveout player; if(_mySlot == 1) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.55,0,-1.35]];}; if(_mySlot == 2) then { player attachto [_vcl,[-0.7,-0.6,-1.25]];}; if(_mySlot == 3) then { player attachto [_vcl,[0.55,-0.6,-1.25]];};};

driveby = 1;
player switchmove "amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon";
format['%1 switchmove "amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon";', player] call broadcast;
player groupchat "Press Backspace to get out of driveby mode.";
hintsilent "Press Backspace to get out of driveby mode.";
sleep 2;
format['%1 setvelocity %2', driveByCar, _oldVel] call broadcast;
player allowdamage true;
while{driveby == 1} do {if !(alive player) exitwith {player allowdamage true;};INV_shortcuts = false; if((animationState player) != "amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon") then {player playmove "amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon"}; sleep 2;};

Edited by zooloo75

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It's been done by Shactac for littlebirds, check the 2nd video:


At it's most basic you need to put an addaction on the vehicle that sets the player in a sitting animation and then use attachTo to put them in the right place.



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That's the only addon I know that does it, but it's for the LB. I made one for cars.

The passengers of a vehicle can press Backspace to enter driveby mode. It does an attachto, placing them at predefined points which I had to make for almost all of the base classnames for cars. It works flawlessly. It puts the player in a kneeling animation, (but I don't know how to force the player to stay like that and not go prone. I put an eventhandler for the keypress of the Z key, but for some reason it won't block that key. I also put a while do loop that runs every 2 seconds that puts them back into the kneel position, it works, but that effect isn't visually pleasing.), the player then uses Q and E to look back and forth, X and C to look left and right, and R to reload.

They then press backspace again to get back into a cargo seat of their vehicle.

The system works though.

If anyone would like to see the code, then I'd be happy to pretty it up and paste it here.

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Wouldnt mind seeing the code mate!! Or you could pm me the sqf file!


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  marker said:
Wouldnt mind seeing the code mate!! Or you could pm me the sqf file!


Edited first post :)

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AFAIK Shacktac also has a working drive-by system for vehicles such as the Humvee but they haven't released it yet. Dunno who created that though.

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I´ve tried to insert the script into a random editor mission, but it didn´t work.

when i press backspace nothing happens. I think the key isnt defined?

EDIT: can you explain to me how to correctly insert it / start it in the editor?

Edited by lennist

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