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Rifle Grenade MLODs

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Here you'll find the MLOD for the rifle grenade I made as well as a config for you to pbo it to try it out. If you want to use it on your weapon here's the steps you need to take.

1: Take your weapon(Let's say a M16 from now on) and add the RG to the end of the muzzle. Save this model separately from the main rifle and name it what you will, we will call it M16_riflegrenade for now.

2: Open up the config and head to CfgMagazines, edit the modelSpecial = "" line. Inside the "" enter the name of the model with the weapon+ RG. So modelspecial = "\myfolder\M16_riflegrenade"

3: Change any classnames as needed

4: Make sure you path the textures and modes correctly if you made new folders etc.

5: Now double check and PBO it and you're good to go(well...should be..you never know with Arma modding ;) )

Got any questions ask away. If you are using this all I ask for is a mention in the credits and just a heads up you're using it just so I know if you is being used :)

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@Slatts thanks, this will be most useful :)

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I added what should have been the modelSpecial to the model line in the CfgAmmo..here's the result :p


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