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false positive non-closed and also non-convexity?

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I'm getting some weird issues with seemingly perfect geometry- as they were created as primitives in 3D app, so they cannot be out of line..?

O2 is saying they're either non-convexity or non-closed...

The only thing I can think, is even after breaking welds, they're still thinking they're the same geometry piece..?

Does anyone have any experience of this please as it's wrecking my head- so many little finicky things to get through..!!! ARGGHhh..!



UPDATE: Jeez- O2 is mad... depending on how many times you hit BREAK WELDS, it fixes the problem..? Is that programme organic or something..? :mad:

Edited by meanmachine1

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Is that programme organic or something..? :mad:

Yep, the Spanel brothers are hidden in the matrix :cylon:

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Could someone elaborate on this please.

Hitting break welds once doesnt fix it. Hitting it again does...

Is this a bug?

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Many things can break non-closed and non-convexity

Double sided faces, shared points, hidden faces

When this happens to me and I've wasted hours searching, I simple delete all faces, merge all near points ..... then start adding faces again.

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Aye, i thought the shared points came into play here... Is a bit of a pain as i have to micro move some verts to get it to work, hopefully that wont cause probs futher down the line.

Its like its punishing you for being accurate lol.

Actually, mentioning moving shared vert positions, is it best to overlap them, or slightly move them away from each other please?

Edited by meanmachine1

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Yeah, make sure you don't have optimize verts ticked when you're importing your geolod (or any other thing, imo). Whether they overlap or not I don't think matters.

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