JetlinerX 1 Posted January 26, 2013 Ohhh boy am I going to be crucified for this topic... :rolleyes: But my problem is as follows. Obviously, the ArmA community (and every other community with a forum) gets tons of new members every day. Even then, some of the usual members fall "victim" to this. That is the people (mainly mods) who often close topics with a rage filled letter pumped full of sarcasm, on why a user should be using the search function. WAIT. Dont you dare scroll down to "reply" yet. Introduction: I full well understand the purpose of limiting forum clutter, and minimizing duplicate topics. But does it really do so much harm that we need to be making our mods, and members look like jackasses every time there is someone needing help, or posting a duplicate? I for one, dont find it annoying to see multiple topics of people needing help so long as the same topic is not visible immediately. We all want help at some point, and 9 times out of 10, it's easier to get it directly, than trying to navigate a sea of YEARS worth of posts. Example: Using Search: Is it really THAT easy? Alrighty. For sake of example, I want to know why my game is not starting after installing a new mod, just seeing a black screen. (not a real problem of mine) I could post a troubleshooting topic... which is soon to be linked to another post, closed, and my forehead stamped with "USE SEARCH NEWB" But lets actually try it. Lets do what you want... lets search. Example 1: Search term - "Game wont start" [CLICK SHOW SPOILER FOR PICTURE] (118 kB) Sweet. So to solve my game not starting I can choose between some mods by the wonderful Wiki, an F-18 mod, ACE mod for OA, and a bunch of others. Doubtful ANY of those will help me. Lets try to narrow it down, and search in the "Troubleshooting" topics. [CLICK SHOW SPOILER FOR PICTURE] (433 kB) This time, I noted next to the topic to save room here... lets look into the 1 topic that might help. [CLICK SHOW SPOILER FOR PICTURE] Well... not even close to my issue. If you remember my issue above, was as follows: [...]my game is not starting after installing a new mod, just seeing a black screen. At this point, I am more inclined to make a topic asking for help, then I am to keep searching. So why are we beating our members to death with "USE SEARCH" when it's not exactly the most efficent way to getting answers, and solving problems? I for one, have no problem helping multiple users with the same issue. Sure, it can get annoying, but it's worse to bash someone already frustrated with their game, with "use search" to make them more angry. I am full well in support of the mods and the job they do, I just wanted to let it be known that the "USE SEARCH" reply, doesnt help anyone, just makes the problem go away for a few mins before the next user needs help. You aren't stoping anything by making users search, there will always be those who need help, and ask for it. So just solve their problem, and send them on their way. Also, solving each topic makes it easier for people who DO search, to find the right answers, quicker. DISCLAIMER - This is an opinion. Opinions are like noses, everyone has one. So dont hate someone for expressing it. I am full well open to discussion on the topic of searching though. Que flamewar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted January 26, 2013 And this has to do with the game exactly how? We have a sticky thread where you can post your suggestions. Search before posting...........that includes checking the sticky topics and also it includes posting in the right section. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1052 Posted January 26, 2013 Alrighty. For sake of example, I want to know why my game is not starting after installing a new mod, just seeing a black screen. (not a real problem of mine) I could post a troubleshooting topic... which is soon to be linked to another post, closed, and my forehead stamped with "USE SEARCH NEWB" But lets actually try it. Lets do what you want... lets search. Even if its just an example, it just utterly wrong. If you install a Mod and you only see a black screen then the troubleshooting forum is completely wrong because problems caused by addons/mods must not be discussed there. You don't even have to search for a solution there, remove the Mod in question and if the game runs again then search for the thread about this Mod and post your problem there. Re. your pictures. So, the search results does not have your solution? That's just fine as the forum search hardly can know if a thread would solve your personal problem. But it at least gives you possible threads you could use instead creating yet another useless one showing up in the search results. Ignorant/Impatient people who think they must create new threads because others are "too huge" and they get less attention then are exactly the reason why there are so many useless threads are shown in the search results. BTW, every time I use the search here (and I do that quite a lot) I get what I'm searching for. So just solve their problem, and send them on their way. This is a community forum where users help other users. The job of the moderators here is not providing customer support. We help where we can but we always have and will close threads from people who either create new threads to get more attention or obviously have not used the forum search. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites