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Call/Spawn from unit init box, with functions in mission folder

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ok, I have a question.

I have a number of functions I have made. If I call/spawn them from a .sqf or trigger they work fine, no problems, but if I try and do it from the init box of a unit/vehicle I get nothing. The only thing I can think is the init box is getting run before my functions are processed. I looked at some of BIS stuff, exp BIS_fnc_Taskpatrol, at the tops of the script they have scriptname "blah\blah\blah.sqf". I know I need to somehow direct the call/spawn to the path of the script and I need to do it before the init box gets run. I figure the way to do it is with the description.ext (I believe it gets run before anything). So far everything I have tried as failed.

I know I can execvm the script from init box and it works fine. What I am trying to do may not be possible without putting the functions into mod form. I can't seem to find information regarding this or maybe I am just searching in the wrong places.


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I think you need to delay the game a fraction because functions/modules take a short time to start.

create on init.sqf file and place this in it.

waitUntil {not(isNil "BIS_fnc_init")};

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Ah, I have waitUntil {!(isNil "BIS_fnc_init")}; in the scripts but not in the init.sqf. I was under the impression it was a bad idea to use waituntils in the init.sqf. I will give this a try and let you know.

Thanks for the fast response

That didn't make any difference. Still getting nothing when I try and use unit\vehicle init box. Doesn't the init.sqf get run after all the init boxes?

Edited by Nomadd

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Maybe I am not explaining this well. I have no problems using call/spawn from a trigger or from inside a script. It is only when I try to use it from units init box. What I am trying to call/spawn are functions in the mission folder, not functions that are part of any mod. I can put [blah,blah] call BIS_fnc_whatever in a units init box and it will work, but if I take the same function and put it in the mission folder it will not work from a units init box.

Yes I have XX = compile preprocessfile "pathto.sqf";.

This is what I think the problem is I need to compile preprocessfile "xx.sqf" before the units init box runs, but it looks like the units init box gets run before the init.sqf. (This part is just a guess however)

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Yeah I'm fairly certain that all editor inits run before init.sqf.

You could just set up a variable by yourself when your functions has been compiled. Then in the script for the unit script have your own version of "waitUntil {!isNil "TAG_fn_init_done"};". Alternatively look into using an #include

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Ah, thanks cuel. That is what I thought. I tried using #include but so far no luck getting it to work, but I do not fully understand how to implement #include. Time to do some more searching

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