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How to make the vehicle driver to get out

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Hi, please i need help, I'd like to make the LCVP driver (not empty) to get out when he reaches the beach, by a trigger or waypoint, i need the script, because the driver doesn't has a name, he's assigned to the vehicle.

Please, help! The unit disembark because i put a script for the ramp but the driver stay on the vehicle and i dont want to assign the vehicle (driver) with the infantary group.


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There are multiple ways to achieve this, the easiest one being to define a Get Out waypoint right after the Transport Unload waypoint for the landing craft (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Mission_Editor:_Waypoints). Another method is to name the vehicle, for example aLCVP, then it is possible to address its driver by putting a D behind the vehicle name. In the on activation field of the transport unload waypoint write: unassignVehicle aLCVPD; [aLCVPD] orderGetIn false;.



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