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How 2 alert ai

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hi, my prob is ive made a mish with hostages surrounded by guards and what i want to happen is as soon as ANY guard hears or sees something i want the executioner (standing next to hostages) to execute them, any ideas sad.gif ?

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Let's say West should rescue the hostages, and East

guards the area. Assuming you've set the hostages

to captives by using: this set captive "true"

or unit_name set captive "true"

:note - every hostage needs it's own name, to be able

to change their captive state later.

Just create a trigger with a range of the area, where you

want to East to watch out for West

Activation: West detected by East

Condition: this

OnActivation: unit_name set captive "false"

Once any west unit gets detected by east inside the

trigger area, the hostages appear to be no more hostages

and an east soldier close to them would start shooting them.


I guess, you will have more than one hostage, so you would

have to use it this way;

OnActivation: unit_name1 set captive "false"; unit_name2 set captive "false" ... etc.

~S~ CD

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Sorry for the interuption, but if West are set to setcaptive true,....does this mean the trigger will not recognize them as West.?

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huh wow.gif

Indeed a good question. Could be that this is fact,

but otherwise, i made a mission, where i've used

Resistance detected by West to activate also an

alarm trigger. This mission started with a resistance

guy arriving in a truck (set to captive "true").

He drove into a western outpost and the soldiers

stopped him to check his cargo. Once there ---> boooom

The outpost turned into a big crate.

The truck driver was detected sometimes by a soldier of

my group (my group was just returning from a patrol),

but the trigger didn't become activated.

If it doesn't work, and the captives fire the trigger,

you still can do another thingy (would than make 3 triggers

instead of one).

I'll try it out quickly, and will post my results.

~S~ CD

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Well, i've tried that now and the result is:

Captives are not detected as West in this case.

One more thing;

If you are using the captives boundled together to a group,

you could change their captive state with only one command

instead of: xxx setcaptive false; yyy setcaptive false.

Better do it by using their groupname:

Initialize the group by the init field of the captive's leader:

hosta=group this

and use this one to change the captive state of the whole

group to false:

"_x setcaptive false" foreach units hosta

:note - hosta is just an example name, you can use any name,

you want.

~S~ CD

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