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Bad Vehicle Type

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Hi, I saw later an great addon, Clay_Dogs, and though about integrate it in my mission as code, not as addon. So I made little changes on it, just to fit mission gameplay.

This addon create new class, declared in config.cpp, so to use it in my mission, I wrote an #include "clay_dogs\config.cpp", but when I run that code:

private "_type";
	If (!(isNil {player getVariable "CLAY_DogType"})) Then
		_type = player getVariable "CLAY_DogType";
		_type = "CLAY_Dog";

I receive an error : Bad vehicle type CLAY_Dog

In this forum I found some thread suggesting to use /*extern*/ in these class, to change scope to public, but none worked :(

This is code about that file:

#define true		1
#define false		0

#define TEast		0
#define TWest		1
#define TGuerrila	2
#define TCivilian	3
#define TSideUnknown	4
#define TEnemy		5
#define TFriendly	6
#define TLogic		7

#define private		0
#define protected	1
#define public		2

class CfgPatches
/*extern*/ 	class CLAY_Dogs
	units[] = {"CLAY_Dog", "CLAY_Dog2", "CLAY_DHM", "CLAY_WDM", "CLAY_GuardDogBLU", "CLAY_GuardDogOP", "CLAY_GuardDogIND", "CLAY_GuardDogUSMC", "CLAY_GuardDogRU", "CLAY_GuardDogGUE", "CLAY_DogHandlerUSMC", "CLAY_DogHandlerRU", "CLAY_DogHandlerGUE"};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {"CA_Animals2", "CACharacters2"};
	version = "2010-02-03";

class CfgMovesAnimalsBase;
class CfgMovesDog: CfgMovesAnimalsBase
/*extern*/ 	class States
	class Dog_StopV1;
/*extern*/ 		class CLAY_DogAttack: Dog_StopV1
		file = "\CA\animals2\dogs\data\anim\dogAttack.rtm";
		speed = 1;
		looped = true;
		ConnectTo[] = {"Dog_Stop", 0.1};
		InterpolateTo[] = {"Dog_Die", 0.02};

class CfgVehicles
class Pastor;
/*extern*/ 	class CLAY_Dog: Pastor
	scope = public;
	icon = "Awesome\CLAY_Dogs\i_dog.paa";
	mapSize = 3;
	runDistanceMax = 100;
	minIdleTime = 30;
	maxIdleTime = 60;
	fsmDanger = "";
	class EventHandlers {};
/*extern*/ 	class CLAY_Dog2: CLAY_Dog
	model = "\ca\animals2\Dogs\Fin\Fin";
	displayName = $STR_DN_DOG_FIN;

class Logic;
/*extern*/ 	class CLAY_DHM: Logic
	displayName = "Dog Handler Module";
	vehicleClass = "Modules";
	class EventHandlers
		init = "_this execVM 'CLAY_Dogs\initDog.sqf'";
/*extern*/ 	class CLAY_WDM: Logic
	displayName = "TO DO: Wild Dogs";
	vehicleClass = "Modules";
	class EventHandlers
		init = "_this execVM 'CLAY_Dogs\scripts\wildDogs.sqf'";

class USMC_Soldier;
/*extern*/ 	class CLAY_GuardDogBLU: USMC_Soldier
	displayName = "Guard Dog";
	icon = "\Awesome\CLAY_Dogs\i_dog.paa";
	class EventHandlers
		init = "_this execVM 'CLAY_Dogs\scripts\guardDog.sqf'";
class RU_Soldier;
/*extern*/ 	class CLAY_GuardDogOP: RU_Soldier
	displayName = "Guard Dog";
	icon = "\Awesome\CLAY_Dogs\i_dog.paa";
	class EventHandlers
		init = "_this execVM 'CLAY_Dogs\scripts\guardDog.sqf'";
class GUE_Soldier_1;
/*extern*/ 	class CLAY_GuardDogIND: GUE_Soldier_1
	displayName = "Guard Dog";
	icon = "\Awesome\CLAY_Dogs\i_dog.paa";
	class EventHandlers
		init = "_this execVM 'CLAY_Dogs\scripts\guardDog.sqf'";

Others files included in the same file as config.cpp are correctly included, so just don't know what to do... changed the name of the file to blabla.hpp/h, nothing changes :(

It's very important to not use it as addon, so answers suggesting it aren't a solution. I want to make mission with a single file, not a mission needing to download mods

Any way, thanks ;)

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Any one?

That file containing CLAY_Dogs class is included in description.ext and description.ext(code) contain the following lines:

               _this execVM 'Awesome\CLAY_Dogs\initDog.sqf'
               _this execVM 'Awesome\CLAY_Dogs\scripts\wildDogs.sqf'
               _this execVM 'Awesome\CLAY_Dogs\scripts\guardDog.sqf'
               _this execVM 'Awesome\CLAY_Dogs\scripts\guardDog.sqf'
               _this execVM 'Awesome\CLAY_Dogs\scripts\guardDog.sqf'

I changed in script.sqf _type = "CLAY_Dog" to _type = "CLAY_GuardDogBLU", but it only changes the error message to :"Bad vehicle type CLAY_GuardDogBLU"

So I'm lost, tried every thing in my mind, nothing works... so pls guys, help me ;)

The mod link is:http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12758 , and remember I'm trying to use mod script in my mission code without the needing of clients downloading and installing the mod explicitly .


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Maybe I didn't make my self clear' date=' I'm NOT using Clay_dogs as addon. I extracted the pbo of the addon and tried to integrate it to my mission code, so no addon for client and server.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the problem is that config.cpp of the addon isn't binarized for the mission, even in description.ext :(, so the class Clay_dog don't exist. This way to detect only tells me if an addon was successful loaded or not, right?

Any way thanks for trying =']

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I extracted the pbo of the addon and tried to integrate it to my mission code, so no addon for client and server.

Correct me if I'm wrong .....

!! .... sorry, will never work.

Thats why you don't see even just 1 mission with Addon inside, its simply not possible.

If Clay dogs was just script codes, then sure, you *might* be able to do it, but its not.

Aside from that, what your doing (pulling apart someone else's addon, then planning to redistribute "parts") is VERY much against community rules!

And very disrespectful

If you had permissions, that would then be different.

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Gnat;2276960']!! .... sorry' date=' will never work.

Thats why you don't see even just 1 mission with Addon inside, its simply not possible.

If Clay dogs was just script codes, then sure, you *might* be able to do it, but its not.

[b']Aside from that, what your doing (pulling apart someone else's addon, then planning to redistribute "parts") is VERY much against community rules![/b]

And very disrespectful

If you had permissions, that would then be different.

I got a way to use the codes without needing to use the addon. And I didn't nothing out of common sense. I even changed the folder of scripts names, his "read me". I just used his scripts directly in mission code. And beside his config.cpp, all codes with be the same and with his authoring ^^

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Doesn't matter if you think its the "same", its not.

And will likely cause major conflicts if anyone happens to have Clay_Dogs on their computer.

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How you managed it?

I want to try these with our DayZ Server, i want to add some wilddogs in our missionfile for dayz, but i fail to try to put it into the mission file...

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octopos: You need to modify config file, delete unnecessary functions and logic sync, modify dog init script which should be run from local client also client should be the owner of dog object.

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I got a way to use the codes without needing to use the addon. And I didn't nothing out of common sense. I even changed the folder of scripts names, his "read me". I just used his scripts directly in mission code. And beside his config.cpp, all codes with be the same and with his authoring ^^

Not ment to sound rude but obviously not. You try to use a vehicle the engine simply does not know about, thats why you get this error. You simply CANT include any config.cpp in a mission, at least not when you want it to be broadcasted over MP. There is actually a missiontype (addon format) that allows addons to be included in the mission but those cant be downloaded in MP. While you can include some header files for dialogs for example you cant force the game to load any config related to an object. Those are loaded on gamestart, and only on gamestart. So even if you throw the config in the mission, #include it in the script or write its content in the description.ext the engine has no clue what to do with it, it simply cant process it. There is no way around dowloading an addon if you want to create new units.

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