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About octopos

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  1. octopos

    Bad Vehicle Type

    I got a way to use the codes without needing to use the addon. And I didn't nothing out of common sense. I even changed the folder of scripts names, his "read me". I just used his scripts directly in mission code. And beside his config.cpp, all codes with be the same and with his authoring ^^
  2. octopos

    Bad Vehicle Type

    Maybe I didn't make my self clear' date=' I'm NOT using Clay_dogs as addon. I extracted the pbo of the addon and tried to integrate it to my mission code, so no addon for client and server. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the problem is that config.cpp of the addon isn't binarized for the mission, even in description.ext :(, so the class Clay_dog don't exist. This way to detect only tells me if an addon was successful loaded or not, right? Any way thanks for trying =']
  3. I got a problem already posted on this forum at: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?144643-Bad-Vehicle-Type But now I generalized my problem for a question: How did I integrate mods code with my mission? I mean, there's a way to use new class or extended class created by mods directly in my mission, without the needing of client downloading mods directly? I'm not interested in complex mods that use own textures, dlls, just in new class used by some mods. Big problem right now is about new classes and extended ones in config.cpp of a mod, that I can't use in my mission. All my attempts always return Bad vehicle type . Any help will be really appreciated. Thanks ;)
  4. octopos

    Bad Vehicle Type

    Any one? That file containing CLAY_Dogs class is included in description.ext and description.ext(code) contain the following lines: class_CfgVehicles={ class_CLAY_DHM={ class_EventHandlers={ _init={ _this execVM 'Awesome\CLAY_Dogs\initDog.sqf' }; }; }; class_CLAY_WDM={ class_EventHandlers={ _init={ _this execVM 'Awesome\CLAY_Dogs\scripts\wildDogs.sqf' }; }; }; class_CLAY_GuardDogBLU={ class_EventHandlers={ _init={ _this execVM 'Awesome\CLAY_Dogs\scripts\guardDog.sqf' }; }; }; class_CLAY_GuardDogOP={ class_EventHandlers={ _init={ _this execVM 'Awesome\CLAY_Dogs\scripts\guardDog.sqf' }; }; }; class_CLAY_GuardDogIND={ class_EventHandlers={ _init={ _this execVM 'Awesome\CLAY_Dogs\scripts\guardDog.sqf' }; }; }; }; I changed in script.sqf _type = "CLAY_Dog" to _type = "CLAY_GuardDogBLU", but it only changes the error message to :"Bad vehicle type CLAY_GuardDogBLU" So I'm lost, tried every thing in my mind, nothing works... so pls guys, help me ;) The mod link is:http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12758 , and remember I'm trying to use mod script in my mission code without the needing of clients downloading and installing the mod explicitly . Best
  5. Hi, I saw later an great addon, Clay_Dogs, and though about integrate it in my mission as code, not as addon. So I made little changes on it, just to fit mission gameplay. This addon create new class, declared in config.cpp, so to use it in my mission, I wrote an #include "clay_dogs\config.cpp", but when I run that code: private "_type"; If (!(isNil {player getVariable "CLAY_DogType"})) Then { _type = player getVariable "CLAY_DogType"; } Else { _type = "CLAY_Dog"; }; I receive an error : Bad vehicle type CLAY_Dog In this forum I found some thread suggesting to use /*extern*/ in these class, to change scope to public, but none worked :( This is code about that file: #define true 1 #define false 0 #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class CfgPatches { /*extern*/ class CLAY_Dogs { units[] = {"CLAY_Dog", "CLAY_Dog2", "CLAY_DHM", "CLAY_WDM", "CLAY_GuardDogBLU", "CLAY_GuardDogOP", "CLAY_GuardDogIND", "CLAY_GuardDogUSMC", "CLAY_GuardDogRU", "CLAY_GuardDogGUE", "CLAY_DogHandlerUSMC", "CLAY_DogHandlerRU", "CLAY_DogHandlerGUE"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"CA_Animals2", "CACharacters2"}; version = "2010-02-03"; }; }; class CfgMovesAnimalsBase; class CfgMovesDog: CfgMovesAnimalsBase { /*extern*/ class States { class Dog_StopV1; /*extern*/ class CLAY_DogAttack: Dog_StopV1 { file = "\CA\animals2\dogs\data\anim\dogAttack.rtm"; speed = 1; looped = true; ConnectTo[] = {"Dog_Stop", 0.1}; InterpolateTo[] = {"Dog_Die", 0.02}; }; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Pastor; /*extern*/ class CLAY_Dog: Pastor { scope = public; icon = "Awesome\CLAY_Dogs\i_dog.paa"; mapSize = 3; runDistanceMax = 100; minIdleTime = 30; maxIdleTime = 60; fsmDanger = ""; class EventHandlers {}; }; /*extern*/ class CLAY_Dog2: CLAY_Dog { model = "\ca\animals2\Dogs\Fin\Fin"; displayName = $STR_DN_DOG_FIN; }; class Logic; /*extern*/ class CLAY_DHM: Logic { displayName = "Dog Handler Module"; icon="\ca\ui\data\icon_animals_ca.paa"; vehicleClass = "Modules"; class EventHandlers { init = "_this execVM 'CLAY_Dogs\initDog.sqf'"; }; }; /*extern*/ class CLAY_WDM: Logic { displayName = "TO DO: Wild Dogs"; icon="\ca\ui\data\icon_animals_ca.paa"; vehicleClass = "Modules"; class EventHandlers { init = "_this execVM 'CLAY_Dogs\scripts\wildDogs.sqf'"; }; }; class USMC_Soldier; /*extern*/ class CLAY_GuardDogBLU: USMC_Soldier { displayName = "Guard Dog"; icon = "\Awesome\CLAY_Dogs\i_dog.paa"; class EventHandlers { init = "_this execVM 'CLAY_Dogs\scripts\guardDog.sqf'"; }; }; class RU_Soldier; /*extern*/ class CLAY_GuardDogOP: RU_Soldier { displayName = "Guard Dog"; icon = "\Awesome\CLAY_Dogs\i_dog.paa"; class EventHandlers { init = "_this execVM 'CLAY_Dogs\scripts\guardDog.sqf'"; }; }; class GUE_Soldier_1; /*extern*/ class CLAY_GuardDogIND: GUE_Soldier_1 { displayName = "Guard Dog"; icon = "\Awesome\CLAY_Dogs\i_dog.paa"; class EventHandlers { init = "_this execVM 'CLAY_Dogs\scripts\guardDog.sqf'"; }; }; }; Others files included in the same file as config.cpp are correctly included, so just don't know what to do... changed the name of the file to blabla.hpp/h, nothing changes :( It's very important to not use it as addon, so answers suggesting it aren't a solution. I want to make mission with a single file, not a mission needing to download mods Any way, thanks ;)
  6. The problem is that TLR use all stuffs that ones need to block to avoid godmode, vehicles spawning, map markers... I'm trying to make one blocking these stuffs but allowing the ones used in the code, but it's a monter work... Or plp don't release these scripts.txt or they don't use it... ¬¬
  7. Edit: Posted duplicates of same post... sorry
  8. Anyone can just confirm me one thing? When I got on logs 10.12.2012 21:33:40: ? ( ? - #36 "(getPos this nearestObject 268655) setDamage 1;" That means a pattern matching with line 36 of scripts.txt?
  9. Hi :} I already have a dedicated server hosting TRL, with updated BE and a scripts.txt found in some git repository. The bad news is that most lines of that .txt is directed for a DayzServer, so I got thousands of false positive, and even some players are kicked... like: 10.12.2012 21:33:21: Prime Appe ( ? - #122 "_this exec '\ca\modules\Clouds\data\scripts\BIS_CloudSystem.sqs'" 10.12.2012 21:33:21: Prime Appe ( ? - #9 "this allowdamage false;this setpos [6167.3223, 11606.787, 5];call compile "[""light"", this, 0.4] execvm ""effects.sqf"";";this " 10.12.2012 21:33:21: Prime Appe ( ? - #133 " "move"; this disableAI "anim"; this allowdamage false; removeallweapons this;" 10.12.2012 21:33:21: Prime Appe ( ? - #133 "removeallweapons this;" 10.12.2012 21:33:21: Prime Appe ( ? - #9 "this allowdamage false;" 10.12.2012 21:33:21: Prime Appe ( ? - #9 "this allowdamage false;this setpos [getpos this select 0, getpos this select 1, (getpos this select 2) + 0.1];call compile "[""l" So my questions is: There's a secure script.txt somewhere to use with a Life server? :P My use that script //new //#+2 ;PoC 1 addAction !"\"addAction\"," !"_action1 = _unit addAction [localize \"str_actions_medical_01" !"s_player_grabflare = player addAction [format[localize \"str_actions_medical_15\",_te" !"raddAction = 'addAction'" !"raddActioncode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addAction.sqf')" !"null = _holder addAction [format[(localize \"STR_DAYZ_CODE_1\"),_name], \"\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\object_pickup.sqf\"," !"NORRN_dropAction = player addAction [\"Drop body\", \"\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\drop_body.sqf\",_dragee, 0, false, true];" !"s_player_dropflare = player addAction [format[localize \"str_actions_medical_16\",_text]," 1 addEventHandler !"\"addEventHandler" !"displayAddEventHandler" !"raddEventhandler = 'addEventhandler'" !"raddEventhandlercode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addEventhandler.sqf')" !"id = _unit addeventhandler [\"HandleDamage\",{_this call local_zombieDamage}];" !"id = _unit addeventhandler [\"Killed\",{[_this,\"zombieKills\"] call local_eventKill}];" !"eh1 = _unit addeventhandler [\"HandleDamage\",{if (local (_this select 0)) then {_this call fnc_usec_damageVehicle}}];" !"eh2 = _unit addeventhandler [\"Killed\",{if (local (_this select 0)) then {_this call object_vehicleKilled}}];" !"eh3 = _unit addEventHandler [\"GetOut\", {[(_this select 0),"position"] call server_updateObject;}];" !"eh1 = _unit addeventhandler [\"HandleDamage\",{_this call fnc_usec_damageHandler;0} ];" !"eh2 = _unit addEventHandler [\"Fired\", {_this call player_fired;}];" !"eh3 = _unit addEventHandler [\"Killed\", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];" !"_id = player addEventHandler [\"Respawn\", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];" !"dayz_originalPlayer = _oldUnit;\n_oldUnit addEventHandler [\"HandleDamage\",{false}];\n_oldUnit disableAI \"ANIM\";" !"_timeN = time;\n\n_id = _agent addeventhandler [\"HandleDamage\",{_this call local_zombieDamage}];" !"eh_player_killed = player addeventhandler [\"FiredNear\",{_this call player_weaponFiredNear;} ];" 1 displayAddEventHandler !"\"displayAddEventHandler\"," !"(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [\"KeyDown\",\"_this call dayz_spaceInterrupt\"];\nplayer disableConversation" !"(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["keyDown", "_this call pzn_keyDown"];\nplayer spawn" 5 addGroupIcon !"\"addGroupIcon\"," 1 addPublicVariableEventHandler !"\"addPublicVariableEventHandler\"," !"DynamicWeather_DebugTextEventArgs\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {" !"\"remExField" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this call BIS_MPF_remoteExecution" !"\"dayzSetFuel\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select" !"\"drn_DynamicWeather_DebugTextEventArgs\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {" !"\"dayzSetFuel\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select" 1 addRating !"\"addRating\"," 1 addResources !"\"addResources\"," 1 addSwitchableUnit !"\"addSwitchableUnit\"," !"addSwitchableUnit _newUnit;" !"addSwitchableUnit dayz_originalPlayer;" 5 addWaypoint !"\"addWaypoint\"," 1 allowDamage !"\"allowDamage\"," !"player allowDamage true;" !"_object allowDamage false;" 1 allowDammage !"\"allowDammage\"," !"this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this" 1 attachTo !"\"attachTo\"," !"_point attachTo [_unit,_modelPos,_wound];" !"_fl attachto [_v,[0,0,0],\"destructionEffect2\"];" !"_dragee attachto [_unit,[0.1, 1.01, 0]];" !"_bolt attachTo [_hitObject,_val,_hitMemoryPt];" !"_flare attachTo [player,[0,0,0],\"granat2\"];" !"_smoke attachto [_vehicle,[0,0,0],\"destructionEffect1\"];" !"_smoke attachto [_v,[0,0,0],\"destructionEffect1\"];" !"createVehicle getpos player; \npzn_light attachto [player, [.35,-.5,-1.2],"RightShoulder"];\npzn_light setvec" 1 createDialog !"\"createDialog\"," !"createDialog \"RscDisplayGenderSelect\";" 1 createMarker !"\"createMarker\"," !"createMarkerLocal" !"if (isnil 'BIS_GITA_fnc_createMarkers' || false) then {" 1 createMarkerLocal !"\"createMarkerLocal\"," !"rcreateMarkerLocal = 'createMarkerLocal'" !"rcreateMarkerLocalcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'createMarkerLocal.sqf')" 1 createMenu !"\"createMenu\"," !"if (isnil 'BIS_fnc_createmenu' || false) then {" 1 createSimpleTask !"\"createSimpleTask\"," !"rcreateSimpleTask = 'createSimpleTask'" !"rcreateSimpleTaskcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'createSimpleTask.sqf')" 1 createUnit !"\"createUnit\"," !"BIS_MPF_logic = BIS_MPF_dummygroup createUnit [" !"_newUnit = _group createUnit [_class,dayz_spawnPos,[],0,\"NONE\"]" 5 createMine !"\"createMine\"," 5 createTarget !"\"createTarget\"," 5 createVehicle !"\"createVehicle\"," !"createVehicleLocal" !"createVehicle [\"WeaponHolder\", _iPos, [], _radius, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"_fire = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"_object = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"if (_height < 100) then {\n_bolt = createVehicle [\"BoltSteelF\", _endPos, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bolt setPosATL _endPos;" !"_tent = createVehicle [\"TentStorage\", _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_tent setdir _dir;" !"if ((random _int)>2.2) then\n{\n_b=\"SmallSecondary\" createvehicle (getpos _v);\n};" !"exitwith {};\n_b=\"SmallSecondary\" createvehicle (_v modelToWorld _effect2pos);\n} foreach (_list);" !"_bag = createVehicle [format[\"WeaponHolder_%1\",_item],getPosATL player,[], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bag setdir (getDir player);" !"_bag = createVehicle [\"WeaponHolder_ItemTent\",_pos,[], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bag setdir _dir;\nplayer reveal _bag;" !"_object = _type createVehicleLocal _position;\n_object setPos _position;\n_object setDir _dir;\n_object allowDamage false;" !"pzn_light = "pzn_NoSearchLight" createVehicle getpos player; \npzn_light attachto [player, [.35,-.5,-1." 5 createVehicleLocal !"\"createVehicleLocal\"," !"_point = \"Logic\" createVehicleLocal getPosATL _unit;" !"_object = _type createVehicleLocal _position;" !"_fl = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal getpos _v;" !"_lightArea = \"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal (getPosATL _flare);" !"_lightSpark = \"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal (getPosATL _flare);" !"_source = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal getpos (_this select 0);" !"_source = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal _pos;\n_source setParticleParams" !"_smoke = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal _pos;\n_smoke attachto [_v,[0,0,0],\"destructionEffect1\"];" !"_Crater= \"CraterLong\" createvehiclelocal [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0];\n_Crater setdir (_dir + (180 * _i));" 1 disableUserInput !"\"disableUserInput\"," !"disableUserInput false;" 1 editorSetEventHandler !"\"editorSetEventHandler\"," 1 enableSimulation !"\"enableSimulation\"," !"renablesimulation = 'enablesimulation'" !"renablesimulationcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'enablesimulation.sqf')" !"this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this" !"dayz_originalPlayer enableSimulation true;" !">> \"dayz_anim\" >> \"isUpdated\");\nplayer enableSimulation true;" !">> "dayz_lingor_anim" >> "isUpdated");\nplayer enableSimulation true;" 1 inGameUISetEventHandler !"\"inGameUISetEventHandler\"," 1 onPlayerConnected !"\"onPlayerConnected\"," !"textLogFormat [\"MPF_Client JIPonPlayerConnectedSendJIPrequest" !"ca\Modules\MP\data\scripts\JIPonPlayerConnectedSendJIPrequest.sqf" 1 onPlayerDisconnected !"\"OnPlayerDisconnected\"," 1 publicVariable !"\"publicVariable\"," !"publicVariableClient" !"publicVariableServer" !"addPublicVariableEventHandler" !"publicVariable \"dayzDiscoRem\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzPlayerSave\";" !"publicVariable _playerObjName;" !"publicVariable \"BIS_MPF_logic\";" !"publicVariable \"usecEpi\";" !"publicVariable \"remExFP\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzLogin\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzLogin2\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzHitV\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzUpdateVehicle\";" !"usecBandage = [_unit,player];\npublicVariable \"usecBandage\";" !"usecBandage = [player,player];\npublicVariable \"usecBandage\";\nplayer setdamage 0;" !"usecBleed = [_unit,_wound,_hit];\npublicVariable \"usecBleed\";" !"usecBleed = [player,_x,0];\npublicVariable \"usecBleed\";\n} forEach (_medical select 8);" !"usecBleed = [_playerObj,_x,0];\npublicVariable \"usecBleed\";\n} forEach (_medical select 8);" !"dayzRoadFlare = [_projectile,0];\npublicVariable \"dayzRoadFlare\";\n_id = _this spawn player_throwObject;" !"dayzHideBody = _item;\npublicVariable \"dayzHideBody\";\nhideBody _item;\" hideBody _item;" !"usecTransfuse = [_unit,player];\npublicVariable \"usecTransfuse\";" !"player removeMagazine \"ItemMorphine\";\n\nusecMorphine = [_unit,player];\npublicVariable \"usecMorphine\";" !"usecMorphine = [player,player];\npublicVariable \"usecMorphine\";\nplayer setVariable [\"USEC_inPain\", false, true];" !"dayzSetFix = [_vehicle,_selection,0];\npublicVariable \"dayzSetFix\";" !"dayzSetFuel spawn local_sefFuel;\npublicVariable \"dayzSetFuel\";" !"usecPainK = [_unit,player];\npublicVariable \"usecPainK\";" !"dayzGutBody = _array;\npublicVariable \"dayzGutBody\";" !"dayzDeath = [dayz_characterID,0,_body,_playerID,dayz_playerName];\npublicVariable \"dayzDeath\";" !"publicVariable "dayzPublishObj";\nif (isServer) then {\ndayzPublishObj call server_publishObj;\n};" 1 publicVariableClient !"\"publicVariableClient\"," !"_clientID publicVariableClient \"dayzPlayerLogin\";" 1 publicVariableServer !"\"publicVariableServer\"," !"publicVariableServer \"dayzPlayerSave\";" !"publicVariableServer \"dayzDiscoRem\";" !"publicVariableServer \"dayzLogin\";" !"publicVariableServer \"dayzLoginRecord\";" !"publicVariableServer \"dayzCharDisco\";\nif (isServer) then {\n\ndayzCharDisco call server_characterSync;" 1 removeAllEventHandlers !"\"removeAllEventHandlers\"," !"(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers "keyDown";\ndetach pzn_light;\ndeletevehicle pzn_light" 1 sendTask !"\"sendTask\"," 1 serverCommand !"\"serverCommand\"," !"serverCommandAvailable" 1 serverCommandAvailable !"\"serverCommandAvailable\"," 1 setCurrentTask !"\"setCurrentTask\"," !"rsetCurrentTask = 'setCurrentTask'" !"rsetCurrentTaskcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setCurrentTask.sqf')" !"rsetCurrentTaskArrays = 'setCurrentTaskArrays'" !"rsetCurrentTaskArrayscode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setCurrentTaskArrays" 5 setDamage !"\"setDamage\"," !"_vehicle setDamage 0;" !"player setdamage 0;" !"if (alive player) then { player SetDamage 1;};" !"if (_ent isKindOf \"Animal\") then {\n_ent setDamage 1;" !"player setDamage 1;\n0.1 fadeSound 0;" 5 setDammage !"\"setDammage\"," 5 setDate !"\"setDate\"," !"rsetDate = 'setDate'" !"rsetDatecode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setDate.sqf')" !"dayzSetDate" 5 setFog !"\"setFog\"," !"0 setOvercast _currentOvercast;\n0 setFog _currentFog;" !"if (_currentWeatherChange == \"FOG\") then {\n_timeUntilCompletion setFog _targetWeatherValue;\n};" !"0 setFog _initialFog;\n\nif (_initialOvercast == -1) then {" 5 setFuel !"\"setFuel\"," !"z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_setFuel.sqf" !"\"dayzSetFuel\"" 5 setHit !"\"setHit\"," !"object_setHitServer = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"\z" !"player setHit[\"legs\",1];" !"_unit setHit[\"legs\",0];" !"_unit setHit[\"hands\",0];" !"_unit setHit[_selection,_damage];" !"_total = [_unit,_hit,_damage] call object_setHitServer;" !"_ent setVariable [\"hit_legs\",2,true];" !"\"fix\" !"\"\fix\" 5 setMarkerPos !"\"setMarkerPos\"," !"\"setMarkerPosLocal\"," !"rsetMarkerPosLocal = 'setMarkerPosLocal'" !"rsetMarkerPosLocalcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setMarkerPosLocal.sqf')" 5 setOverCast !"\"setOverCast\"," !"0 setOvercast _currentOvercast;\n0 setFog _currentFog;" !"if (_currentWeatherChange == \"OVERCAST\") then {\n_timeUntilCompletion setOvercast _targetWeatherValue;" !"0 setOvercast _initialOvercast;\n\nif (_initialOvercast >= 0.75) then {" 1 setVariable !"\"setVariable\"," !"_x setVariable[\"lastAttack\",time];" !"player setVariable[\"USEC_lowBlood\"," !"player setVariable [\"temperature\",dayz_temperatur," !"_x setVariable [\"zombied\",objNull,true];" !"_x setVariable [\"cleared\",true,true];" !"_x setVariable [\"looted\",_dateNow,true];" !"_agent setVariable [_name, _value];" !"player setVariable[\"medForceUpdate\"," !"player setVariable [\"bodyName\",dayz_playerName,true];" !"uiNamespace setVariable ['DAYZ_GUI_display', _this select 0];" !"_agent setvariable [\"state\",_state];" !"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_InfoText',_this select 0]" !"_agent setvariable [\"state\",_state];" !"_item setVariable [\"created\",(DateToNumber date),true];" !"_unit setVariable [\"myDest\",_pos];" !"player setVariable [\"messing\",[dayz_hunger,dayz_thirst],true];" !"_hitter setVariable[\"headShots\",(_headShots + 1),true];" !"_hitter setVariable["\firedHit\",[_zed,_selection],true];" !"_hitter setVariable["\firedDamage\",_damage,true];" !"_killer setVariable[_type,(_kills + 1),true];" !"_zombie setVariable [\"targets\"," !"_group setVariable [\"targets\"," !"_unit setVariable [\"hit_legs\",0];" !"_unit setVariable [\"hit_hands\",0];" !"_unit setVariable [_strH,_damage,true];" 1 setVehicleInit !"\"setVehicleInit\"," !"_v setVehicleInit \"[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction\";" !"_v setVehicleInit format [\"[this, %1, %2]spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2\",_int, _t];\nprocessInitCommands;" !"if (local _v) then\n{\n_v setVehicleInit format [\"[this, %1, %2,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn\",_int, _t];" 1 setWind !"\"setWint\"," !"setWind [_currentWindX, _currentWindZ, true];" 5 addAmmo !"\"addAmmo\"," 5 addMPEventHandler !"\"addMPEventHandler\"," 5 clearPlayerInit !"\"clearPlayerInit\"," 1 clearVehicleInit !"\"clearVehicleInit\"," !"if (isserver) then {deletevehicle _snd;};\nclearVehicleInit _v;" !"clearVehicleInit _v;\ndeletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm;" !"clearvehicleinit _v;\n_crw= crew _v;" !"clearvehicleinit _v;\ndeleteVehicle _v;" 5 commandFSM !"\"commandFSM\"," 5 disableTIEquipment !"\"disableTIEquipment\"," 5 doFSM !"\"doFSM\"," 5 EjectPlayer !"\"EjectPlayer\"," 5 enableCamShake !"\"enableCamShake\"," 5 enableTeamSwitch !"\"enableTeamSwitch\"," 5 fireAtTarget !"\"fireAtTarget\"," 5 onCommandModeChanged !"\"onCommandModeChanged\"," 5 onMapSingleClick !"\"onMapSingleClick\"," 5 onTeamSwitch !"\"onTeamSwitch\"," 5 openDSInterface !"\"openDSinterface\"," !"if (_lbselected == \"DSInterface\") then {openDSInterface;};" 1 processInitCommands !"\"processInitCommands\"," !"processInitCommands; \n};\nif (_v iskindof \"tank\"" !"Effects_AirDestructionStage2\",_int, _t];\nprocessInitCommands" !"_v setVehicleInit format [\"[this, %1, %2,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn\",_int, _t];\nprocessInitCommands;" 5 setAmmoCargo !"\"setAmmoCargo\"," 1 setFSMVariable !"\"setFSMvariable\"," !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_thirst\",0];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_hunger\",0];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_command\",\"none\"];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_maxSpeed\",_maxSpeed];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_forceChange\",true];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_command\",\"stay];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_command\",\"track\"];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_target\",_target];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_watchDog\",_watchDog];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_actionWarn\",_actionWarn];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_thirst\",_thirst];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_hunger\",_hunger];" 5 SetFuelCargo !"\"setFuelCargo\"," 1 setGroupIconsVisible !"\"setGroupIconsVisible\"," 5 setObjectProxy !"\"setObjectProxy\"," 1 setpos !"\"setPos\"," !"setPosATL" !"setPosASL" !"" !"setPosASL2" !"ctrlSetPosition" !"sliderSetPosition" !"progressSetPosition" !"camSetPos" !"preloadCamera _setPos" !"BIS_fnc_sceneSetPosFormation" !"_agent = createAgent [_type, _Pos, [], 0, \"FORM\"];\n_agent setpos _Pos;" !"private [\"_test\", \"_test2\"];\n_test = (_this select 0) setPos (position (_this select 0)); if (isnil \"_test\") then {_test = false};" !"[_flare, -90, -10] call object_setpitchbank;\n_flare setPos (getPos _flare);" !"_object = _type createVehicleLocal _position;\n_object setPos _position;\n_object setDir _dir;\n_object allowDamage false;" !"_tent setdir _dir;\n_tent setpos _location;\nplayer reveal _tent;" !"_logic = _this select 0;\n_logic setpos [1000,10,0];\n\n\nwaituntil {!isnil \"BIS_MPF_InitDone\"}; !"_Crater setpos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0];\n_Crater setPos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, ((0 - _i)/13)];" !"_Crater= \"CraterLong\" createvehiclelocal [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0];\n_Crater setdir (_dir + (180 * _i));" 1 setPosATL !"\"setPosATL\"," !"player setPosATL _mylastPos;" !"player setPosATL dayz_spawnPos;" !"player setPosATL _setPos;" !"_item setPosATL _ipos;" !"player setPosATL [-2148,6655,0];" !"_agent setPosATL _position;" !"_bolt setPosATL _endPos;" 1 setposASL !"\"setPosASL\"," !"setPosASL2" !"if (_isOnDeck) then {\n_unit setPosAsl [(_position select 0), (_position select 1), (LHA_height+1)];\n};" 5 setPosASL2 !"\"setPosASL2\"," 5 setRepairCargo !"\"setRepairCargo\"," 5 setUnconscious !"\"setUnconscious\"," 5 setVehicleAmmo !"\"setVehicleAmmo\"," 5 setVehicleArmor !"\"setVehicleArmor\"," 5 setVehicleLock !"\"setVehicleLock\"," 5 setVehiclePos !"\"setVehiclePos\"," 5 setViewDistance !"\"setViewDistance\"," 5 setWeaponReloadingTime !"\"setWeaponReloadingTime\"," 5 setWeaponState !"\"setWeaponState\"," 5 skipTime !"\"skipTime\"," !"rskiptime = 'skiptime'" !"rskiptimecode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'skiptime.sqf')" 5 teamSwitch !"\"teamSwitch\"," 5 waypointVisible !"\"waypointVisible\"," 1 putWeaponPool !"\"putWeaponPool\"," 1 pickWeaponPool !"\"pickWeaponPool\"," 1 fillWeaponsFromPool !"\"fillWeaponsFromPool\"," 1 visiblePosition !"\"visiblePosition\"," 1 setTerrainGrid !"\"setTerrainGrid\"," 1 WorldToScreen !"\"WorldToScreen\"," !"posWorldToScreen" 1 WorldToModel !"\"WorldToModel\"," !"_relPos = _building worldToModel (getPosATL _unit1);" !"_pondPos = (_x worldToModel _playerPos) select 2;" 1 posWorldToScreen !"\"posWorldToScreen\"," 1 ScreenToWorld !"\"ScreenToWorld\"," 5 loadFile !"\"loadFile\"," 1 selectNoPlayer !"\"selectNoPlayer\"," !"selectNoPlayer;" 5 createLocation !"\"createLocation\"," 5 openMap !"\"openMap\"," 1 hideObject !"\"hideObject\"" !"rhideObject = 'hideObject'" !"rhideObjectcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'hideObject.sqf')" 1 JIPexec !"\"JIPexec\"," !"rJIPexeccode" !"rJIPexec = 'JIPexec'" !"rJIPexeccode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'JIPexec.sqf')" !"scriptName \"MP\data\scriptCommands\JIPexec.sqf\";\n\nprivate[\"_remExField\",\"_caller\",\"_target\"];" !"[nil, _targetClient,\"loc\", rJIPEXEC, BIS_MPF_ServerPersistentCallsArray select _i] call RE;" 1 JIPrequest !"\"JIPrequest\"," !"rJIPrequestcode" !"rJIPrequest = 'JIPrequest'" !"rJIPrequestcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'JIPrequest.sqf')" !"ca\Modules\MP\data\scripts\JIPonPlayerConnectedSendJIPrequest.sqf" !"scriptName \"MP\data\scriptCommands\JIPrequest.sqf\";\n_caller = _this select 0;" 5 setCaptive !"\"setCaptive\"," !"rsetCaptive = 'setCaptive'" !"rsetCaptivecode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setCaptive.sqf')" !"sleep 1;\n_unit setCaptive true;\n_unit setVariable [\"NORRN_unconscious\", true, true];" !"if (local _unit) then {_unit setCaptive false};" 1 clearMagazineCargo !"\"clearMagazineCargo\"," !"clearMagazineCargoGlobal" !"rclearMagazineCargo = 'clearMagazineCargo'" !"rclearMagazineCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'clearMagazineCargo.sqf" 1 clearMagazineCargoGlobal !"\"clearMagazineCargoGlobal\"," !_mags = getMagazineCargo _firePlace;\nclearMagazineCargoGlobal _firePlace;\nclearWeaponCargoGlobal _firePlace;" 1 clearWeaponCargo !"\"clearWeaponCargo\"," !"clearWeaponCargoGlobal" !"rclearWeaponCargo = 'clearWeaponCargo'" !"rclearWeaponCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'clearWeaponCargo.sqf')" 1 clearWeaponCargoGlobal !"\"clearWeaponCargoGlobal\"," !_mags = getMagazineCargo _firePlace;\nclearMagazineCargoGlobal _firePlace;\nclearWeaponCargoGlobal _firePlace;" 5 onDoubleClick !"\"onDoubleClick\"," 5 addWeapon !"\"addWeapon\"," !"addWeaponPool" !"addWeaponCargo" !"addWeaponCargoGlobal" !"player addWeapon \"Loot\";" !"player addWeapon \"Flare\";" !"raddWeapon = 'addWeapon'" !"raddWeaponcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeapon.sqf')" !"raddWeaponCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeaponCargo.sqf')" !"if (_isOK) then {\nplayer addWeapon _x;\n};\n} forEach _wpns;\n};" !"if (_item == (configfile >> \"cfgweapons\" >> (configName _item))) then {_unit addWeapon configName _item;};" !"if (isClass (configfile >> \"cfgweapons\" >> (_item))) then {_unit addWeapon _item;}" !"player removeWeapon "ItemFlashlightRed";\nplayer addweapon "ItemFlashlightReduse";\npzn_light = "pzn_NoSearchLight" cre" !"player removeWeapon "ItemFlashlightRed";\nplayer addweapon "ItemFlashlightReduse";\npzn_light = "pzn_NoSearchLight_t" c" 5 addWeaponPool !"\"addWeaponPool\"," 5 addWeaponCargo !"\"addWeaponCargo\"," !"addWeaponCargoGlobal" !"raddWeaponCargo = 'addWeaponCargo'" !"raddWeaponCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeaponCargo.sqf')" 5 addWeaponCargoGlobal !"\"addWeaponCargoGlobal\"," !"_holder addweaponcargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];" !"dayz_myBackpack addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,(_backpackWpnQtys select _countr)];" !"if (_bcpkWpn != \"\") then {\ndayz_myBackpack addWeaponCargoGlobal [_bcpkWpn,1];\n};\n};" !"if (_iItem != \"\") then {\n_item addWeaponCargoGlobal [_iItem,1];\n};" 5 addMagazine !"\"addMagazine\"," !"addMagazineCargo" !"addMagazineCargoGlobal" !"addMagazinePool" !"addMagazineTurret" !"player addMagazine 'crowbar_swing';" !"raddMagazine = 'addMagazine'" !"raddMagazinecode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addMagazine.sqf')" !"if (_isOK) then {\nif (_val != -1) then {\nplayer addMagazine [_item,_val];\n} else {\nplayer addMagazine _item;\n};" !"if(!isNil \"_array\") then {\n_agent addMagazine _loot;\n};" !"sleep 8;\n{player addMagazine _x} forEach _inventory;\ndeleteVehicle _object;" !"{\nplayer addMagazine _x;\n} forEach _create;" !"if (_isOK) then {\nplayer addMagazine _x;\n};\n} forEach _mags;" !"if (_item == (configfile >> \"cfgmagazines\" >> (configName _item))) then {_unit addMagazine configName _item;};" !"if (isClass (configfile >> \"cfgmagazines\" >> (_item))) then {_unit addMagazine _item;};" !"for \"_x\" from 1 to _qty do {\nplayer removeMagazine \"ItemWaterbottleUnfilled\";\nplayer addMagazine \"ItemWaterbottle\";\n}; !"if (_item == \"ItemWaterbottle\") then {\nplayer addMagazine \"ItemWaterbottleUnfilled\";\n};" !"player playActionNow \"stop\";\nplayer addMagazine \"ItemBandage\";" !"if (local _item) then {\nfor \"_x\" from 1 to _qty do {\n_item addMagazine \"FoodSteakRaw\";\n};" !"for \"_x\" from 1 to _qty do {\nplayer removeMagazine \"FoodSteakRaw\";\nplayer addMagazine \"FoodSteakCooked\";\nsleep 1;\n};" 5 addMagazinePool !"\"addMagazinePool\"," 5 addMagazineTurret !"\"addMagazineTurret\"," 5 addMagazineCargo !"\"addMagazineCargo\"," !"addMagazineCargoGlobal" !"raddMagazineCargo = 'addMagazineCargo'" !"raddMagazineCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addMagazineCargo.sqf')" 5 addMagazineCargoGlobal !"addMagazineCargo" !"\"addMagazineCargoGlobal\"," !"holder addmagazinecargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];" !"_firePlace addMagazineCargoGlobal [\"PartWoodPile\",_qty];" !"dayz_myBackpack addmagazineCargoGlobal [_x,(_backpackmagQtys select _countr)];" !"dayz_myBackpack addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,(_backpackMagQty select _countr)];" 5 addBackpack !"\"addBackpack\"," !"addBackpackCargo" !"addBackpackCargoGlobal" !"player addBackpack _backpackType;" !"_newUnit addBackpack _newBackpackType;" !"player addBackpack _bcpk;" 5 addBackpackCargo !"\"addBackpackCargo\"," !"addBackpackCargoGlobal" 5 addBackpackCargoGlobal !"\"addBackpackCargoGlobal\"," !"_holder addbackpackcargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];" // test //#+3 //1 "if (alive player) then { player SetDamage 1;};" //happens on death //#+4 1 limitSpeed !"\"limitSpeed\"," 1 setOwner !"\"setOwner\"," //might be too spammy for now //#+5 //1 call !"\"call\"," //#+6 //1 spawn !"\"spawn\"," //#+7 //1 with !"\"with\"," //#+8 1 deleteVehicle !"\"deleteVehicle\"," !"dayz_flyMonitor = dayz_flyMonitor - [_x];\ndeleteVehicle _x;" !"deleteVehicle _x;\ndayz_bodyMonitor set [_cursor,\"DEL\"];" !"sleep 5;\n};\n{deleteVehicle _x;} forEach _items;" !"sleep 1;\n};\ndeleteVehicle _source;\ndeleteVehicle _point;" !"if (_nearByPlayer) then {\ndeleteVehicle _agent;\n};" !"_object = nearestObject [_position,_type];\ndeleteVehicle _object;" !"_oldUnit disableAI \"MOVE\";\n} else {\ndeleteVehicle _oldUnit;\n};" !"{deleteVehicle _x} forEach _nearByObj;\n_x setVariable [\"cleared\",true,true];" !"dayzDeleteObj call local_deleteObj;\n};\n deleteVehicle _obj;" !"player addWeapon \"Flare\";\n\nsleep 0.1;\ndeleteVehicle _old;" !"if (local _unit) then {\ndeleteVehicle _unit;" !"};\ndeleteVehicle _lightArea;\ndeleteVehicle _lightSpark;" !"waitUntil{!(alive _flare)};\ndeleteVehicle _lightSpark;" !"if (!isNull _tent) then {\nif (local _tent) then {deleteVehicle _tent};" !"hideBody _item;\nsleep 10;\ndeleteVehicle _item;" !"sleep 5;\ndeleteVehicle _agent;" !"dayzDeleteObj call local_deleteObj;\n};\n\ndeleteVehicle _obj;" !"deleteVehicle _object;\nr_action = false;\ncall fnc_usec_medic_removeActions;" !"if (_isOk) then {\n deleteVehicle _holder;" !"_flare = _this select 3;\ndeleteVehicle _flare;" !"dayz_hasFire = objNull;\ndeleteVehicle _obj;" !"deleteVehicle _object;\n\n_weapon = _classname createVehicle _location;" !"if (!isNull _agent) then {\ndeleteVehicle _agent;" !"{deleteVehicle _x} forEach _zombies;" !"deleteVehicle _agent;\n} else {\ndayz_bodyMonitor set" !"deleteVehicle _x;\n_delQtyZ = _delQtyZ + 1;" !"if (!(isNull _sfx)) then {\ndeleteVehicle _sfx;\n};" !"deleteVehicle _body;\n_delQtyP = _delQtyP + 1;\n};" !"_dwUSOFC=_dwUSOFC+1;\ndeleteVehicle _x;" !"deleteVehicle _x;\n_dwUFPC=_dwUFPC+1;" !"deleteVehicle _x;\n};\n} forEach allMissionObjects \"ReammoBox\"" !"BIS_functions_mainscope]]; _mygrp = group (_this select 0); deleteVehicle (_this select 0); deleteGroup _mygrp;};};" !"if (_isOk) then {\ndeleteVehicle _holder;\nif (_classname in [\"MeleeHatchet\",\"MeleeCrowbar\"]) then {" !"if (_fade) then {_int=_int - 0.02 - rain/10;};\nsleep 3;\n};\n\ndeletevehicle _fl;" !"clearVehicleInit _v;\ndeletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm;" !"deleteVehicle _smoke;\ndeleteVehicle _fire;\ndeleteVehicle _shards;\ndeleteVehicle _dirt;" !"{ deleteVehicle _x } foreach (_deadbody);" !""keyDown";\ndetach pzn_light;\ndeletevehicle pzn_light; \npzn_fstate = false;" !"waituntil {isnull _this};\ndetach pzn_light;\ndeletevehicle pzn_light;" 1 compile !"\"compile\"," !"\"z\addons\dayz_code\compile" !"call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"\z\addons\dayz_code" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\ca\modules\alice\data\scripts" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\ca\modules_e\alice2\data\scripts" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules_e\gita\data\scripts" !"\"z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf" !"_this call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers 'ca\ui\scripts\ui_loadingText.sqf';" !"_recompile" !"\"call compile format[\"\"player%1 = player;\"\",_playerUID];\"" !"call compile format[\"\"player%1 = player;\"\",_playerUID];" !"call compile format[\"player%1 = player;\",_playerUID];" !"'] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\Warfare2\Scripts" !"= compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules\function" !"'_dummy']; _dummy = [_this,'initDialog'] call compile preprocessFile '\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf'" !"BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer = compile preprocessFile (BIS_MP_Path + BIS_PATH_SQF + \"remExServer.sqf\");" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS" !"compile preprocessFile \"\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS" !"compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands" !"_code = call compile format[\"r%1code\",_targetScript];" !"compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers \"ca\characters_e\data\scripts" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules_e\functions" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules_acr\functions" !"compile preprocessfilelinenumbers 'ca\missions_acr\data\scripts" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules_pmc\functions" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\missions_ew\functions" !"call (compile \"deactivateKey (_keyString + (str _i))\");" !"if (isText (_class >> \"WeaponSlots\")) then \n{_slotsCode = getText (_class >> \"WeaponSlots\"); _slotsVar = call compile _slotsCode;}" !"_dummy = [_this, 'CA_VO_Init'] call compile preprocessFile '\ca\ui\scripts\HideVideoOptions.sqf';" !"['_dummy']; _dummy = [_this, \"CA_VO_ToggleAll\"] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers \"\ca\ui\scripts\HideVideoOptions.sqf\";" !"['_dummy']; _dummy = [_this, \"CA_VO_ToggleAdvanced\"] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers \"\ca\ui\scripts\HideVideoOptions.sqf\";" !"private [\"_amm\"];\n_amm=_this select 4;\n_this call (call compile GetText (configFile >> \"CfgAmmo\" >> _amm >> \"muzzleEffect\"));" !"['BIS_RscMiniMap',_this select 0]; _this call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers 'ca\ui\scripts\MiniMap.sqf';" !"_dummy = [_this,'initDialog'] call compile preprocessFile '\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf'; _dummy = [_t" !"_dummy = [_this,'onload'] call compile preprocessfile '\ca\ui\scripts\server_interface.sqf';" !"spawn compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\shoulder.sqf";;" !"spawn compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\shoulderr.sqf";;" 1 exec !"\"exec\"," !"execVM" !"execFSM" !"JIPexec" !"_localExec" !"Init script executed at" 1 execVM !"\"execVM\"," !"execVM \"z\addons\dayz_code\medical\init_medical.sqf\"" !"execVM \"z\addons\dayz_code\external\DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf\"" !"execVM \"z\addons\dayz_code\medical\publicEH\load_wounded.sqf\"" !"execVM \"z\addons\dayz_code\medical\load\load_wounded.sqf\"" !"execVM \"z\addons\dayz_code\medical\publicEH\deadState.sqf\"" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBListSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKillFocus"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKeyDown\",0,107,0,107] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" 1 execFSM !"\"execFSM\"," !"execFSM \"\z\addons\dayz_code\system" !"execFSM '\z\AddOns\dayz_code\system" !"execfsm \"CA\animals2\Data\scripts\idleSpecialAnim.fsm\"" !"execFSM \"CA\animals2\Data\scripts\\reactFire.fsm\"" !"rexecfsm = 'execfsm'" !"rexecfsmcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'execfsm.sqf')" !"_penisLengthCheck = [] spawn {execFSM "cdetect.fsm";};\n\n\n_helis = allMissionObjects "UH1Wreck_DZ";" //1 setDir !"\"setDir\"," //!"_Crater setdir (_dir + (180 * _i));" //#+9 1 setVectorUp !"\"setVectorUp\"," !"_bolt setVectorUp _vUp;" !"[player, [.35,-.5,-1.2],"RightShoulder"];\npzn_light setvectorup [-.3,.3,1];\nplayer action ["lightOn", pzn_light];\npzn_fsta" 1 SetVectorDir !"\"SetVectorDir\"," !"_obj setVectorDirAndUp [_vdir, _vup];" 1 setVectorDirAndUp !"\"setVectorDirAndUp\"," !"_obj setVectorDirAndUp [_vdir, _vup];" 1 setVelocity !"\"setVelocity\"," !"_character setVelocity [0,0,100];" !"_car setvelocity [1,0,0];" !"_object setvelocity [1,0,0];" !"_vehicle setvelocity [0,0,1];" !"if (_velz>1) then {_v setvelocity [_xv/1.3,_yv/1.3,0]}" !"(_v setvelocity [velocity _v select 0,velocity _v select 1,0]);" 1 setVelocityTransformation !"\"setVelocityTransformation\"," 1 selectPlayer !"\"selectPlayer\"," !"selectPlayer _newUnit;" !"selectPlayer dayz_originalPlayer;" 1 isServer !"\"isServer\"," !"if ((_persistent) && (!_error) && (isServer)) then" !"if (isServer) then {BIS_DEBUG_MPF_SERVERORCLIENT = \"(server)\";} else {BIS_DEBUG_MPF_SERVERORCLIENT = \"(c)\";};" !"{ BIS_functions_mainscope = _this select 0; if (isServer) then {_this execVM 'ca\modules\functions\main.sqf'};}" !"scriptName \"MP\data\scripts\JIPwaitFor.sqf\";\n\nif (!isServer) then\n{\n\nwaitUntil {!isNil {player}};" !"if ((!isServer) && (isNull player) ) then\n{\nwaitUntil {!isNull player};\nwaitUntil {time > 3};\n};" !"if ((!isServer) && (player != player)) then\n{\n waitUntil {player == player};\n waitUntil {time > 3};\n};" !"if(isServer) then {\ndayz_players = [];\ndead_bodyCleanup = [];\n}; !"BIS_DEBUG_MPF_SERVERORCLIENT,_caller, local _caller]; \n\nif (isServer) then\n{" !"if (!isServer) then {textLogFormat [\"MPF_Client FUNCTIONS init.sqf ...\"];};" !"if (!isServer) then {\n \"drn_DynamicWeatherEventArgs\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {" !"if (isServer) then {\n waitUntil{dayz_preloadFinished};\n};" 1 isDedicated !"\"isDedicated\"," !"if (!isDedicated) then {\n\n0 fadeSound 0;\n0 cutText [(localize" !"if (!isDedicated) then {\n\"dayzSetDate\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {setDate (_this select 1)};" !"if (!isDedicated) then {\n_config = configFile >> \"CfgLoot\";" !"if(isDedicated) then {\ndayz_disco = [];\n};" !"if (!isDedicated) then {\nif (!isNull _agent) then {\ndeleteVehicle _agent;\n};\n} else {\n[_agent] call zombie_findOwner;" !"if (!isDedicated) then {\n0 fadeSound 0;\n0 cutText [(localize" 1 removeAllWeapons !"\"removeAllWeapons\"," !"rremoveAllWeapons = 'removeAllWeapons'" !"rremoveAllWeaponscode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'removeAllWeapons.sqf')" !"{_newUnit removeMagazine _x;} forEach magazines _newUnit;\nremoveAllWeapons _newUnit;" !"removeallweapons _v;\n\nif (local _v) then {_expl=\"HelicopterExploSmall\" createvehicle (getpos _v);};" 1 addMenu !"\"addMenu\"," !"addMenuItem" 1 addMenuItem !"\"addMenuItem\"," 1 createTeam !"\"createTeam\"," 5 addVehicle !"\"addVehicle\"," 5 fireAtTarget !"\"fireAtTarget\"," 1 allowGetIn !"\"allowGetIn\"," 5 drawArrow !"\"drawArrow\"," 5 drawEllipse !"\"drawEllipse\"," 5 drawIcon !"\"drawIcon\"," 5 drawLine !"\"drawLine\"," 5 drawLink !"\"drawLink\"," 5 drawLocation !"\"drawLocation\"," 5 drawRectangle !"\"drawRectangle\"," 5 setWaypointPosition !"\"setWaypointPosition\"," 5 setWPPos !"\"setWPPos\"," 5 setWaypointScript !"\"setWaypointScript\"," 1 setGroupIconParams !"\"setGroupIconParams\"," 1 setGroupIcon !"\"setGroupIcon\"," 1 show3DIcons !"\"show3DIcons\"," 1 setFriend !"\"setFriend\"," 1 createCenter !"\"createCenter\"," !"BIS_MPF_ServerInitDone = true;\ncreatecenter sidelogic;" 1 missionNamespace !"\"missionNamespace\"," !"_handle = [_display] call (missionnamespace getvariable _x);" 1 uiNamespace !"\"uiNamespace\"," !"_display = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_display';" !"uiNamespace setVariable ['DAYZ_GUI_display', _this select 0];" !"_display = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_waiting';" !"_display = uinamespace getvariable \"BIS_InfoText\";" !"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_InfoText',_this select 0]" !"uiNamespace setVariable ['DAYZ_GUI_waiting', _this select 0];" !with (uinamespace) do {\n BIS_loadingScreen = _this select 0;" !"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_RscMiniMap',_this select 0];" !"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_RscMiniMapSmall',_this select 0];" 1 removeBackpack !"\"removeBackPack\"," !"_classname = _array select 0;\nremoveBackpack player;" 1 removeAllItems !"\"removeAllItems\"," 1 setAperture !"\"setAperture\"," 1 "camSetPos" !"\"camSetPos\"," 5 "copyFromClipboard" !"\"copyFromClipboard\"," 5 "copyToClipboard" !"\"copyToClipboard\"," 5 "deleteCollection" !"\"deleteCollection\"," 1 "callVar" !"\"callVar\"," !"rcallVar = 'callVar'" !"rcallVarcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommandsCustom + 'callVar.sqf')" !"_libraryCustom = \n[\n\"callVar\"\n];" 1 "remExField" !"\"remExField\"," !"\"remExField\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this call BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer};" !"if (isNil \"remExField\") then {remExField = [];};" !"private[\"_remExField\",\"_caller\",\"_target\"];\n\n_caller = _this select 0;" 1 "remExFP" !"\"remExFP\"," !"\"remExFP\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this call BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer};" !"if (isNil \"remExFP\") then {remExFP = [];};" !"if ((_this select 0 == \"persistent\") || (_this select 0 == \"remExFP\")) then {_persistent = true;} else {_persistent = false;};" 1 "remExWrite.sqf" !"scriptName \"MP\data\scripts\remExWrite.sqf\";" !"RE = compile preprocessFile (BIS_MP_Path + BIS_PATH_SQF + \"remExWrite.sqf\");" 1 "remExServer.sqf" !"scriptName \"MP\data\scripts\remExServer.sqf\";" !"BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer = compile preprocessFile (BIS_MP_Path + BIS_PATH_SQF + \"remExServer.sqf\");" 1 "call RE" !"if (_local) then {\n_unit say [_sound, _dis];\n} else {\n[nil,_unit,rSAY,[_sound, _dis]] call RE;\n};" !"_dir = [_unit,player] call BIS_Fnc_dirTo;\n_unit setDir _dir;\n[objNull, _unit, rPlayMove,_move] call RE;" !"if(_currentWpn != \"\") then {_newUnit selectWeapon _currentWpn;};\n[objNull, player, rSwitchMove,_currentAnim] call RE;" !"if (_currentAnim != \"\") then {\n[objNull, player, rSwitchMove,_currentAnim] call RE;\n};" !"[nil, _targetClient,\"loc\", rJIPEXEC, BIS_MPF_ServerPersistentCallsArray select _i] call RE;" !"BIS_MPF_clientJIPlogic = player;\n\nnic = [bIS_MPF_clientJIPlogic,nil,rJIPREQUEST] call RE;" !"[objNull, player, rSwitchMove,\"\"] call RE;\nplayer playActionNow \"stop\";" !"[nil,_trap,rSAY,[\"trap_bear_0\",60]] call RE;" !"waituntil {!isnil \"BIS_MPF_InitDone\"};\n_spawn = [nil, nil, \"per\", rEXECVM,\"ca\Modules\Functions\init.sqf\"] call RE;" 1 "spawn RE" 1 "toArray" !"\"toArray\"," !"BIS_fnc_invCodeToArray" !"ca\modules\functions\inventory\fn_invCodeToArray.sqf" !"_anim = animationState player;\n_anim4 = toArray _anim;\n_anim4 resize 4;" !"_type = surfaceType _pos;\n_typeA = toArray _type;" !"if([\"Wheel\",_x,false] call fnc_inString) then {\n_part = \"PartWheel\";\n_cmpt = \"Wheel\";\n_array = toArray _x;" !"{_casesensitive = _this select 2;};\n\n_findarray = toArray _find;\n_stringarray = toArray _string;" !"_text = _this;\n_textArrayUnicode = [];\n{_textArrayUnicode = _textArrayUnicode + [toarray _x]} foreach _text;" //1 "titleText" !"\"titleText\"," !"rtitleText = 'titleText'" !"rtitleTextcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'titleText.sqf')" !"if (_isDead) then {\nTitleText[\"Pulse is extremely weak\",\"PLAIN DOWN\",3];" !"if (_isCardiac) then {\nTitleText[\"Pulse is weak\",\"PLAIN DOWN\",3];\n} else {\nTitleText[\"Pulse is strong\",\"PLAIN DOWN\",3];" //#+10 //1 "cutText" //#+11 //little tries //#+12 1 "player action" !"player addweapon "ItemFlashlightRed";\nplayer action ["lightOff", pzn_light];\n(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAl" !"pzn_light setvectorup [-.3,.3,1];\nplayer action ["lightOn", pzn_light];\npzn_fstate = true;\npzn_keyDown = " 1 "vehicle player setPos" 1 "vehicle player setPosASL" 5 "(vehicle player) addEventHandler [\"handleDamage\", { false }];" 5 "player addEventHandler [\"handleDamage\", { false }];" 5 "attachObject player" 1 "(vehicle player) setPos" 1 "(vehicle player) setPosASL" //isn't welcome ingame //#+13 5 "CBA_EVENT_KEY_LOGIC setDamage 1;" 1 "_tp = \"removeallweapons player;" 5 "player addweapon 'Truckhorn2';" 5 "player selectweapon 'Truckhorn2';" 5 "player setVehicleInit _svr;" 5 "_object = createVehicle ['%1', [%2, %3, %4], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];" 5 "player setVariable['lastPos',0];" 5 "hint format [\"A %1 has been added\", gun]" 5 "vehicle player setpos _pos;" 5 "marker2 setMarkerPosLocal (getPos veh)" 1 "private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy =" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBListSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKillFocus"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKeyDown\",0,107,0,107] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" 5 "marker2 = createMarkerLocal [marker2,getPos veh];" 5 "marker2 = \"VehMarker\" + (str i);" 1 "private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBListSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKillFocus"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKeyDown\",0,107,0,107] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" 5 TKCV1_0\TKCOWNS.sqf 5 "[_this,\"players\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf\";" 5 "_v addweapon \"A\"+\"A1\"+\"2_PM\"+\"C\"; _v addmagazine \"20R\"+\"nd" 5 "zombieshield" 5 "playershield" 5 "spawn{player addAction [" // not much of use //#+14 5 "666.sqf" 1 "wuat\\" 1 " ESP " 5 _markerMirador 5 Bo_Mk82 1 htelepos 1 Teleport 1 Trigger !"call BIS_fnc_inTrigger" !"if (isnil 'BIS_fnc_sceneCreateSceneTrigger' || false) then {" 5 aa12 5 azp85 5 bomblauncher 5 teled 5 U-NO- 5 gau 5 "God mode" 5 GodMode 5 hacks 5 Infammo 5 "Infinite Ammo" 5 InfiniteAmmo 5 Killplayer 5 m1a1 5 M1A2_TUSK_MG 5 OwnageMenu // names useless //#+15 5 Darky 5 Vojtec 5 MrMedic //5 Loki //too short, might cause another useless ban //#+14 //5 Alex //triggers at locALEXec, useless anyway //#+15 5 Alexenderp$ck 5 Gerk 5 Troopman 5 Troopmon 5 Alexenderpackk ' I don't have it edit to include some commons Life scripts, like for money hacks etc etc....