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"Ultra-Simple" OC/Pepper spray script (addon?)

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I'm looking to implement a variety of less-than-lethal options in my mission, but I'm having hard time figuring how to get a working pepper spray in the game. The functionality itself is going to be pretty simple. Any player (of six) needs to be able to use an pepper spray on a terrorist when they're less than ~3m from him. When hit, the terrorist dude should just play a stunned animation (any). Put a cherry on top with a few small clouds of particle smoke or so to depict the spray itself. Pretty simple, in theory at least. Even so, I'm stunned myself, any ideas?

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You could add an action to all of the bad guys and make the unit go into the flash bang animation whenever you use the action. I've never these particular animations, But I assume they'd be holding their face, and sqirming around in some fashion or another.



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Yeah, the flashbang animation could be good. But the playmove isn't really the hard part. I was trying to get any ideas on how to implement any kind of believable pepper spray. Actually, pretty much everything else seems to be somehow out of my reach than the animating the effect.. :D

How to initiate the spraying? Should I use a simple addon-weapon and eventhandlers to detect when the terrorist is hit with it? Or should I use an action to initiate a more complex scripted cutscene-ish action sequence where the player (aka sprayee) sprays the terrorist with invisible spray (though with particle spray-effect) which would result in the terrorist holding his face and squirming?

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As far as actually holding a canister and spraying someone, you'd have to find or make an addon. Else, you'd be stuck with using a simple simulation. ie; Addaction & The flash bang animation. Maybe have them fall down or something aswell. You could probably use particle array or w/e too.

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I actually got it working pretty nicely with a little drop-abuse. The next question is however, is there a simple way of checking if unit A is facing unit B (or at least in the general direction)?

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