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ACR "Patrol" problem with ending mission

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I got problem with ending the "Patrol" mission in ACR DLC. I Wonder if someone can help me. I end several task and clear out the suspected areas but the mission dosen't end. I Wonder if i issed something. So here is the list of tasks I managed to accomplish. Is there something left?

1. Get in to Pandur as gunner

2. Suspicious point 281

3. Spott height 395

4. Suspicious point 448

5. Meeting with convoy

6. Escort vehicles

7. Suspicious woodlet

8. Suspicious homestead

Is there something I missed, Pandur ran out of fuel so I kinda made foot patrols into the woods in the encircled area but found nothing. I'd be thankfull for the help!

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This is probably a bit too late for your case, but I ran into the same problem and figured I might as well post this for other people who run into the same problem.

For me it wasn't the same area as for you though. You were missing "Hermitage", while I was missing the "woodlet".

Check the spoiler section bellow for the coordinated of all the "discovery" areas. There are a total of 6 of these, in addition to the "special" tasks and the main areas.

Marker name - xxx yyy

Position 448 - 026 006

Height 329 - 030 011

Position 281 - 039 014

Homestead - 013 028

Hermitage - 018 015

Woodlet - 009 005

Driving close to these areas should discover them.

In addition to these points you also have;

-The "Get in pandur" objective(which is at your FOB - so it would be hard to miss this)

-The Ambulance convoy "meeting point"(038 005) which should automatically pop up as a task once you've cleared enough of the discovery points(or some other trigger - it will happen before the mission ends)

-The ambulance convoy "escort" end point(045 025).

The main objectives; obvious question mark areas on the map. These should be cleared as well, since there normally are hostiles there.

I also found some sporadic infantry patrols along the roads in the middle of nowhere, but I don't think those matter.

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Is there something I missed, Pandur ran out of fuel so I kinda made foot patrols into the woods in the encircled area but found nothing. I'd be thankfull for the help!

There are several gas stations on the map where you can refuel. Look for the little black gas "pump" symbols on the map, like one about 0.5-1 km southeast of the FOB.

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