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Network Settings for Large Servers

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I have looked though a lot of the threads concerning this and I haven't really been able to find a general consensus. The server is large, 100 or so players with very few AI. The machine itself has a 1gbps dedicated line so the bandwidth is available however I simply can't seem to get the basic.cfg settings correct, I was wondering if anyone who hosts large servers would mind sharing their basic.cfg or at least giving me some advice for the various options. Believe me I have looked through the other threads about this however the advice varys massively and often contradicts other advice.

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I'll try them out but I was hoping for some more recent examples since BIS have made so many updates to the netcode this year.

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Only thing new to this is :


Minimal error to send updates across network.

Using a smaller value can make units observed by binoculars or sniper rifle to move smoother.

Default: 0.001 (was 0.01 until ARMA 2:OA version 1.60, ARMA 2 version 1.11 uses 0.01)


Minimal error to send updates across network for near units.

Using larger value can reduce traffic sent for near units. Used to control client to server traffic as well.

Introduced in ArmA 2 1.60, Default: 0.01


For the rest youll have to experiment, see the second link in my previous post, it has very good explanations about that matter.

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