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Is there any problem or I am just anoob?

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I just got the game and I have 2 major problems so far:

1. I can't take control over neutral islands

2. One of my tanks was out of full and I sent a manta to lift it but all I could manage was to waste more full and time.

This game looks like prealfa. It could be a realy great game but there are lots of option missing. I can't recomand this game to anyone, in fect I will recomand my friends not to buy it. It could be a realy good game but you must extend it with options and stuff.

p.s. A co-op mode would be great.

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To take control of neutral islands, you must send in a walrus equipped with either a prod, defense or rsc capsule (NOT a hack capsule). Drive up close to the ruined command centre and launch the capsule, the command centre will start rebuilding and eventually it will become friendly.

To lift a walrus with a manta, you must have a hook fitted to the manta. You will have to have produced a hook and sent it to the carrier. If you are playing in campaign mode, you will also have to have unlocked the hook ability.

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oh so I must play the campain? jeez.... after 5 min in the campain I hate it, but I realy enjoy the strategy part. My manta had a hook on it. So I will go to the campain first. 10x for help man.

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No, you don't have to play the campaign, I was just saying in the campaign you have to unlock it first. In strategy game, it is unlocked from the start.

To use the hook, you have to hover precisely over the walrus until the hook icon appears, then hit F. It does take some skill, and you would be best using the 3rd person manta view instead of the cockpit window view. Also, when you latch on, make sure the manta is as still and centred as possible, or else you will damage or destroy the manta when hooking.

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To take control of neutral islands, you must send in a walrus equipped with either a prod, defense or rsc capsule (NOT a hack capsule). Drive up close to the ruined command centre and launch the capsule, the command centre will start rebuilding and eventually it will become friendly.

Er, sorry, just to be extra-sure i am not doing anything particularly stupid: first, to launch the capsule you basically fire it, right? Also, the ruined command centre is the walled complex inland on each abandoned island, yes?

(edit: the answer to the second question is pretty obvious, sorry - ignore it)

Edited by emastro

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There are many walled complexes on most islands. But the place where the Command Center needs to be built will be shown on the map as a white down arrow above a line (presumably meaning ''plonk Command Centre here'').

When you drive your capsule-equpped Walrus there, you will see the rubble of a building on the site where you need to build.

Move the Walrus within a short distance of that ruined building and your cursor will change to a ''deploy'' cursor. Hit the ''use'' button and the capsule will launch, and you will see the shimmering outline of the Command Centre which is now under construction.

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Move the Walrus within a short distance of that ruined building and your cursor will change to a ''deploy'' cursor. Hit the ''use'' button and the capsule will launch, and you will see the shimmering outline of the Command Centre which is now under construction.

Thanks, that worked. In the old Carrier Command (yes, I am that old) you just fired the capsules like a weapon, so I was trying the same thing...

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