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Makers for each side / faction / unit ?

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I'm sure I've seen this before but I can't find where (if it was in BIS or somewhere else). I have a mission where respawn moves from one place to another place in the map, but as this is a PvP mission, I do not want Bluefor to see where is the Opfor respawn nor Opfor to see where is the Bluefor respawn. This and that there are other markers that are intended to be visible only for one side not by everybody. It would be great if this can be done with factions too. For example, CDF can see different markers than USMC. Can someone help?

By the way, just wondering if there can be markers visible for certain units, for example, for named unit used by a player in MP mission?

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idk if this will help you.

if (side player == west) then { [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createMarkerLocal"]createMarkerLocal[/url] stuff here };

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