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Is it possible to animate a proxy driver or proxy cargo in a vehicle ?

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i'm working on a static hot air observation balloon, which is a vehicle without driver and fuel, where the cargo is the guy into the balloon's basket (i tried with the guy beeing the driver too).

The balloon is moving up thanks to an animation. BUT, despite being part of the model selection being animated, the proxy cargo (or driver) doesn't move up, but just stays where it is.

Any thought ? Any workaround without setpos scripting ?

Thanks for reading,


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Hello Prof. :)

Just a couple of questions.

How are you animating the vehicle?

What way is the vehicle configged?

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Hello Prof. :)

Just a couple of questions.

How are you animating the vehicle?

What way is the vehicle configged?

As you can animate a door for example. The vehicle is configged as a car, with some animations class (to raise the balloon) and user actions ones, to give the player / AI the ability to use theses animations.

I may have a try with the rtm thingy, shouldn't be that hard.

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An rtm should do the trick.Seeing as the proxy isn't going anywhere.

I'm using the same method for some landing gear.

A suggestion:

Could setvelocity be used instead of setpos?With a gradual increment

in the z axis?I'm not a scripting expert,but if it can be used to smoothly

accelerate an object in a booster script,then perhaps it could work on your


That way the proxy would move with it.

You could activate the script via user action,much like you're doing now.

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How do you launch the rtm ? The only one i know is the scud launching rtm, through

scudLaunch = "scudlunch.rtm";

About the scripting solution, in fact the balloon is made of the balloon itself, attached by a rope to a winch, in the same model. So i cannot accelerate a part of the model, unless i make two seperate models.

Edited by ProfTournesol

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You'd have a user action activate the script in the usual way.

                        class thingy
			displayname = "do stuff";
			position = "";
			radius = 3;
			condition = "this AnimationPhase ""User anim"" < 0.5";
			Statement = "[this] exec ""Custom Script""";

And then the reverse of that to get you on the ground again.


_Veh = _this select 0

?!(alive _Veh) : Exit

_cargo= (crew _Veh) select 2

_cargo Switchmove "CustomAnim"

Obviously you need the animation done and configured first.

I'm using select 2 as it's a chopper.Pilot,gunner,cargo. [0,1,2]

In your case,I don't know if it's necesary.Or if "(crew _Veh)" will return the

required slot on it's own.


Edited by Macser

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Unfortunately no.But animating the unit in cargo could work out well.

As long the as the proxy remains where it is.

The unit doesn't have to actually be a Man,as such.My landing gear objects

are just static objects inheriting from SoldierWB.

Edited by Macser

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Great to know, thanks a lot Macser. Finally, i decided to make the balloon an helicopter class and seperate it from the rope and the winch. Then, a little script allows to move the balloon up, down or to cut the rope and free it.

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