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Control 3D audio radius for missions?

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Is there a way to control 3D audio (say3D for example) radius in ArmA 2?

I know that by raising file volume it will be heard further in-game, but I need to use a sound file that can be heard over 2-3 km with only single file being played on a single object, and it has to be somewhat loud yet still in 3D.

Any help is appreciated.

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I've never moded audio, but why not a sound for the client, if Im not wrong weapons (it's an example) have a value that determines how much noisy they are (mgs are noisy for IAs) and this helps the IA determine where the player is, you could use such value if possible for whatever you want.

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Can you post an example script (Mod/Addon free)?

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Sorry, Im just wondering, as I told you I have never done anything with audio mods. You can check what I said in the config reference of weapons http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgWeapons_Config_Reference, I've worked more with weapons modding, but there might be similar sound values for vehicles too http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgVehicles_Config_Reference. I don't know what you pretend but this might help unless someone else has a better idea. I don't know what for you need it, a weapon, vehicle or anything else.

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No worries :)

Thanks for the links, can be useful!

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