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Waypoint - How do I make AI helo drop down to 35 feet??

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How can I have an AI flown helicopter with say 7 waypoint locations.....on waypoint #3 drop down to 35 feet and hover? So I can have a deploy fast ropes option?


I know how to use the Set Fly to 35 option at the start.....but I don't want the helo to fly that low for the entire trip. Just at waypoint #3 (example).

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I get how to set the height in which the AI helo will fly (at the start). However, I would like the helo to fly and normal height and then once at X waypoint, drop down to 35 and hover (so the deploy ropes option is avaliable).. There seems like there should be a easy way within a waypoint to change altitude (yet it doesn't appear there is).

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There is an easy way. It's flyinheight.

Name the helo (for this example I'll use helo1), then in the appropriate waypoint's init put:

helo1 flyinheight 35;

If the helo is initially flying quite a bit higher, you might want to step the helo down over a few waypoints first.

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