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Passing trigger or variable to addaction script

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I have a "hold" waypoint and whant it to release when a sertain condition is met. I also have an object with an "addaction" command attached to it. When the addaction is activated I want the waypoint to continue.

First I tried to use a trigger that had the condition set to false. Then I passed the trigger to the addaction command and changed the condition with a script. That didn't work.

Then I put myVariable = true in the condition field of the trigger and tried to pass the variable to the addaction command. That didn't work either.

How can I pass a variable to the addaction command (and make it affect a trigger)? That must be the easiest way.

In the editor:

evidence1 = evi1 addaction ["Collect evidence","evidence.sqf", ["conv_move"]];

In evidence.sqf

First try: Here the conv_move is a trigger named conv_move

grp = (_this select 3) select 0;
_trg setTriggerStatements["true","",""]; 

Second try: Here conv_move is a variable decleared in the triggers condition (conv_move = true).

grp = (_this select 3) select 0;
grp = true;

Dont mind the variable name "grp". It's from a third atempt....

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The part in red is the Array that will get passed to the script i.e.(evidence.sqf).

evidence1 = evi1 addaction ["Collect evidence","evidence.sqf", [color=#ff0000][1,2,3][/color]];

in the trigger condition put this:


in evidence.sqf :

// _this is the internal refrence to the array that we passed to the script. We can select items out of that array just like we would any other array. ie..(_this select _index)
_passedarray = _this select 3;

_myfirstvar = _passedarray select 0;

_mysecondvar = _passedarray select 1;

_mythirdvar = _passedarray select 2;

// Do what ever you need to here use the var

if (_myfirstvar == 1) then { [color=#FF0000]conv_move = true; publicVariable "[/color][color=#FF0000]conv_move";};

The only thing else you need to do is define the conv_move variable as false in the init.sqf so you do not get an undefined variable error.

Edited by Riouken

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Thanks alot man! Defineing the variable in init.sqf did it :-)

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