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Telegraph wire connections..?

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Hi all,

I'm going to be making a lot of different telegraph poles, and there will be wires hanging between them obviously.

But, my question is if I "tilt/skew" some of these pylons when placing them (for authenticity, atmosphere) then the wires will not connect properly..?

Does anyone know how to get around this problem, so I don't have to have perfectly straight pylons all over the landscape please?



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Dont see how unless you make your own poles addon and a separate wires addon ...... but it will be extremely difficult to lay out on terrain.

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What is the best/correct way to do a telegraph pole with wires then please gnat?

Is there a tried and tested way?

Basically, id like to be able to place them where i see fit, and tilt some at creepy angles if you get my drift?

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This may be a little confusing to understand*** Anyhow, I think as Gnat said, you could look into making poles without wires at first...place them in on the map, and then maybe try and create "wires" of different lengths that could be setup in between.

One could, if they had the scripting knowledge, look into the HEDU ropes addon that HEDU released for further work. His system runs off of "nodes" that can be added onto or taken away from (like nodes of rope in sections of 1m, 3m, 5m, 10m. so on and whatever you deem you need) So, say you set the poles apart from each other...say one set of poles is 20 meters apart, and the following one is set 25 meters apart. You would then create memory points that would serve as spots to call up and connect to. Depending on the distance between, the script would adjust the amount of nodes it needed.

In this fashion, you could offset the poles in any direction and the script would adjust the nodes to fit.

Here is a link to the ArmAholic.com page. He has a demo mission in there, and all of the scripts needed to look at.


I believe BIS' Take on Helicopter uses some sort of derivative to make "sling" ropes for ferrying cargo loads.

Either way, good luck on it

Edited by Raptor 6 Actual

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Cheers raptor, i might just give that a go, but if it proves to fiddly or something, i might bite the bullet and hand model them in specifically... Gulp..!

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