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Detect if unit if AI or player controlled?

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I'm building a mission which can be played in MP, but also has AI support (so if slots are empty they can be taken up by AI).

I need to detect if units are AI controlled or player controlled, then if they are AI controlled give them waypoints etc (essentially code the ai to play the game mode). While if they are players, I don't want any waypoints etc showing up.

So is there a way to detect if a unit is AI or player?

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Also... check out...

playableunits (for multiplayer)

switchableunits (for singleplayer)

I've been using something like this that works in both SP and MP.

_controllableAI = [];

_controllableAI = [] call {
_array = [];
if (isMultiplayer) then {
	_array = playableunits;
} else {
	_array = switchableunits;

//more code here for whatever...

if (_unit in _controllableAI) then {
   hint format ["%1 is playable",_unit];
} else {
   hint format ["%1 is not playable",_unit];

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Thanks for your help! I knew it was probably something simple, I was searching for something to do with ai and not thinking of the negate isPlayer.

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