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Need a little help with BIS units re-textureing

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I'm wanting to re-texture the BIS units, so the US army (men and vehicles) Russia and the BAF units (if possible, couldn't extract the pbo which wasn't surprising as its DLC!) and have them show up in a separate category in the mission editor (aka men (snow) etc). Now i've figured out how to get the actually textures from the game, and i allready know how to paint, however i'm not so sure on how to get those textures back into the game and into a separate slot in the editor. All the tutorials i've seen either end once they tell you how to get the greyscale texture or after the pbo extraction for some reason :(

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Make a new config entry with the unit you want as the parent class. Then, only change the things you want edited (in your case, hiddenSelectionsTextures is probably one of the main one's you want edited). Also, make sure the CfgPatches entry for the PBO that holds the unit you're retexturing is in your requiredAddons portion of your own CfgPatches entry.

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Unfortunately, I don't think that the troops have hidden selections because their skeleton is not discrete.

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Make a new config entry with the unit you want as the parent class. Then, only change the things you want edited (in your case, hiddenSelectionsTextures is probably one of the main one's you want edited). Also, make sure the CfgPatches entry for the PBO that holds the unit you're retexturing is in your requiredAddons portion of your own CfgPatches entry.

sorry but that just went right over my head :confused: :(

Unfortunately, I don't think that the troops have hidden selections because their skeleton is not discrete.

That reminds me, guess i should have said, i dont want to do it with that line in the init box of the unit when doing a mission, its good to a point but would bloat the mission file like mad, and as i've heard, doesnt work on everything anyway. Also the missions would be for a group which would all have the textures anyway :)

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You can use hidden selections in a config like horner suggested, but not for troops. This means you can't use setobjecttexture either.

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ok, so how would i go about doing it then??

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you simply wouldn't. Or you could create your own custom ones...

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There is a russian troop in the arma 2 example models, the troops in the arma 1 example models, and some US spec ops template guys supplied by an extremely generous community member. The example troops can be found on the biki or by googling and I think you can find the specops guys (by NZX_Shadow?) on armaholic.

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so its impossible to reskin the default units (without useing hidden selections and the "include texture with every mission" way) without includeing the models then? :(

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Some (few) units have hiddenselections defined, I've managed to pull off setObjectTexture with a few of them, but max power is pretty spot on when he says you can't retexture units, as I've only come across 1 or 2 (one including the PMC skin) that can be textured.

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