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Issues w/ sat img around the terrain edges, bldg icons on map

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Hello everyone,

I have been working on a terrain for the last couple of weeks, and initially was using nothing but Arma2 assets and a buldozer.exe copied from my A2OA executable (and \bin folder supplemented with extracted bin.pbo from my a2oa directory). Everything worked exactly like I would expected it to, and the terrain rendered just fine in Arma 2. When I loaded the map in Take On Helicopters: Rearmed, however, I noticed that the satellite texture had some segments overlapping around the edges of the terrain (only the last one or two segments per side on a 31x31 segment (12288km)^2 map). I can set up buldozer.exe from my TakeOn-H.exe and the bin.pbo -> \bin files from TOH in Visitor and edit using TOH assets, but when I do that buldozer shows me the same texture issues around the terrain borders.

Is there a config setting I need to be adjusting where the default has changed from Arma2 that controls this type of behavior? Or is there something about the mask import process that needs to be modified to alleviate this?

I have also encountered a secondary issue. Granted, I'm not sure if I'm going about this the right way at all. I have extracted a couple of TOH pbo's onto my tools drive. While the Arma 2 pbo's are extracted into my P:\ca\ directory structure, the TOH pbo's have been placed in P:\hsim\* . I did this after reading the pbo_prefix.txt files and trying to match the directory structure to what I saw there. Unfortunately, when I export this, I get a map that plays just fine but doesn't show any icons in the map for any TOH assets. All the Arma 2 buildings are represented by dark rectangles/squares as usual, but the map is simply blank where any TOH structures should appear. In the 3d world, the structures are in fact present, and they have working collision detection. I found some silent errors from the export process in a log file that indicated error code 52 (or 53?) from the various TOH p3d's. I'm not sure if that's related.

I have copied all the *.cpp files from all the hsim pbo's I have extracted into my own namespace [i understand some people discourage using one's own namespace, but without a technical reason why this should be forbidden I choose to use one]. PBO's extracted thus far are:




One possible issue I am confused about: There was a ca.pbo to be extracted directly to my P:\Ca\ directory, that had its own config.cpp

I have found no corresponding hsim.pbo. Does anyone have any advice or info about this, and might that be related to these issues?

Sorry, I know this is a lot to ask of a community that appears to be entirely dead. I dunno where else to look, though ;)


Edited by dwringer

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Could you please elaborate a bit more on this:

  dwringer said:

I have copied all the *.cpp files from all the hsim pbo's I have extracted into my own namespace [i understand some people discourage using one's own namespace, but without a technical reason why this should be forbidden I choose to use one]. PBO's extracted thus far are:




If I am understanding you correctly, you have created your own classes? It is VERY important that you do this correctly, thus the warning to not do so. Please explain what it is, exactly you did, and you might get your technical reason.

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I haven't created any classes other than the map itself. I put my map in a P:\[namespace]\Mapname\ directory, rather than putting the map directory in the root of the P:\ drive. Basically, I followed SgtAce's Arma2 map tutorial to the letter and started expanding from there. Thus the config.cpp I'm using for my map is derived from the one he used, which in turn appears to be modified from the Utes island config.

The .cpp files that I copied, I did so because it is specified to be a requirement in order to use ladders/doors/etc on buildings in the map. There is a p:\namespace\ca\ and a p:\namespace\hsim\ holding all the copied *.cpp's. The p3d's themselves (and rvmats, etc, everything from the pbo's) are held in p:\ca\* and p:\hsim\* (with their pbo prefixes appended to the directory as appropriate).

This seems unusual to me, but this is from following the Simple Terrain Tutorial from the BIS Community wiki.


Everything works fine when I make it only with A2 assets and load the map in A2. It's when opening the A2 map in TOH, or making the map TOH-specific, that the other problems become evident. Neither actually impacts the way the simulation works, just a texture issue and a map UI issue really.

EDIT 2: Here's a shot of what I'm talking about regarding the terrain. This doesn't happen using Arma 2/OA's executable or loading the map in A2[OA]:


Aand one more follow up . . . I can confirm that this occurs only on the North and East edges of the terrain. The infinite-texture-tiling algorithm seems to be a little overzealous in where it starts drawing I guess?

Edited by dwringer

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Ok, just off the bat. The most likely reason, not a definite answer, but most likely, is that the models are trying to be called from here: '\ca\building2\civilian'. However, you have added a namespace, which technically puts them here: '<namespace>\ca\building2\civilian'.

Possible solution: Remove the namespace, as when you compile the final files, the paths will still contain your namespace.

I believe, though I am not really sure, that Visitor calls everything from the root; i.e. the P drive. Adding that namespace causes you to have to add that namespace to ALL file locations with in the configs. You would then have to include that namespace in all final versions, as well as ALL the files in the sub-directories. This results in a HUGE files, as you now have to include ALL those files in your release; which in essence are duplicates of files that already exist in the game. This could then cause class name issues, again resulting in undesired headaches - Massive Memory usage, CTD's, etc, etc.

As for the Textures. Are these being called from Arma? Or TKOH? Again this is most likely an absolute/relative path issue. Try removing the namespace and working straight from the root( make a copy of your current folder, then modify the second one just in case - you can delete this later ).

Let me know if I am close...

*** EDIT ***

Also if you are using Eliteness, remember that it creates duplicate folders at the very beginning. 'hisim\buildings_h\hsim\buildings_h\aBuilding_h.p3d' - or something like that...

*** EDIT 2 ***

For the Texture issue, also try updating the RVMATs. Remember TKOH is the newest; thus having the latest updates to the engine.

Edited by Sven2157

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Set up looks good , looks like an exaggeration of the problem wich occurs in arma2 terrains , possibly die to a larger cell size , have you tried putting the toh shaders in the pdrive whilst creating the sat , presume you made your sat whilst renaming toh. Exe to bulldozer on the pdrive?

There ate subtle difference also in the toh world config compared to the ao check your cfg in the tools binpbo and maybe update , but first have a look in arma2 editing section this problem was brought up there some month ago

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