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How can I stop a script running after it has been started ?

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I have a script that counts objects you collect and posts a hint every time you collect an object to remind you how many you have, but how can I stop this when I need it to ?

Is it even possible ?


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You can use terminate to kill a running script, but I'm not sure why you'd need to in this case. The only counting and hinting should happen when you actually pick up the object right? Or are you constantly displaying a hint and want that to go away after 10 are collected or whatever? If so just build that into the display script?

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Yeah, I'm trying to tie up some loose ends to some missions I've been working on and off for 2 years now, more off than on really :)

This group of missions uses Hens\Chickens as a very basic form of currency.

You can basically hunt round to collect hens until you have collected enough to hire a local Thug to help you in your mission.

Everytime you pick up a Hen it displays a hint telling you how many you now have, so if you find a cluster of them the hint can be pinging quite a few times quickly if your catching them quickly but when you get to 25 Hens collected I wanted to stop the collection of further Hens to stop hinting while I had another hint displaying telling you what to do next regarding hiring a Thug, otherwise the hint message about hiring a Thug can be pinged off straight away if you get yet another Hen... if you follow me :)

Currently I have a very basic mesh up of a work around, dropping acctime to 0.1 for a sleep of 0.9 seconds with userimput disabled so the important info is displayed long enough not to be missed.

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hintc is another way of forcing players to stop everything and read, but that's awful annoying. You can also use the new Advanced Hint system to pause but that's black magic.

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