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Unable to go to Taksaven after Beta Patch 1.03

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[bug] Engine Error

I have applied the recent beta patch and thought you might like to know that i just got an error as I was arriving at a new Island;-

Engine Error -

NULL pointer to instance

Class: 'Trigger_Trigger_MineField03'

Entity name:'Trigger_MineField03'

Function: 'Onload'

Stack trace:


Then after clicking, "OK". I received the following error;-

Crash info -

Unhandled exception

Program:...ommon\Carrier Command Gaea Misson\carrier.exe

Reason: Access violation. Illegal write by 40520a at 10

Script callstack:

Class: 'Trigger_Trigger_MineField03

Entity name:'Trigger_MineField03'

Function: 'Onload'

Stack trace:




(Press Retry to debug the application - JIT must be enable)

After clicking "Retry" the game closed.

On a further point I have noticed that this always happens when I reach the Island Taksaven

even if I reboot and reload the saved game.

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This has already been reported, I hope it's fixed quickly as I'm now STUCK on the campaign and it's a pretty major bug.

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that is known issue. I agree that is quite of major bug. Please be patient to next patch, where it will be repaired.


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  AlFitz said:
This has already been reported, I hope it's fixed quickly as I'm now STUCK on the campaign and it's a pretty major bug.

Darn, I've just hit the same problem. Its pretty much a roadblock on progress in the Campaign. :(

By the way though, not wishing to sound negative - what a great game! :)

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Yeah I hope I didn't come across as too negative, I wrote my post in semi jest mode. I do really like the game but this does need sorting ASAP.

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