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Script to check whether specific player alive

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Hi everybody. I am trying to script a trigger that detects when '_traitor' is the last person alive in the trigger area.

So i have this script that randomly selects which player is the '_traitor'.

I want the trigger to activate when he(_traitor) is the last BLUFOR unit in the trigger area (the whole map).


if (!isServer) exitWith {};

_host = _this select 0;

_caller = _this select 1;

_id = _this select 2;

_units = [s4,s1,s3,s2,s5,s6];

_traitor = _units select floor (random 6);

_host removeaction _id;

hint format ["Traitor: %1", name _traitor];

_trg=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPos e2];

_trg setTriggerArea[1000,1000,0,false];

_trg setTriggerActivation["WEST","PRESENT",true];

_trg setTriggerStatements["_traitor in thislist; ", "hint 'The traitor killed everyone'; ", ""];

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if you've covered the whole map why not just check the units in the array and forget the trigger

I'd start with something like this........

while{alive _traitor}do


if((count _units) <= 1) exitwith {hint 'The traitor killed everyone'};

sleep .1;


if(((count _units) > 0) && (!alive _traitor)) then {hint 'The traitor died'};

Edited by Squ33z3

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Cheers. I will try that. Im new to scripting so things that may appear obvious dont even cross my mind.lol

---------- Post added at 22:53 ---------- Previous post was at 22:17 ----------

while{alive _traitor}do


if((count _units) <= 1) exitwith {hint 'The traitor killed everyone'};

sleep .1;


if(((count _units) > 0) && (!alive _traitor)) then {hint 'The traitor died'};

Okay my brain melts when i try and read this.

So i got the second bit working. When the traitor is killed the hint is activated.

But can someone explain to me what the first bit says. Is it everyone listed in _units dead apart from one?

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Try this, I made a few changes that might have caused some errors in game, not sure if there are any bugs. Threw this together in about 5 minutes:

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

private ["_host","_caller","_id","_units","_traitor","_x","_unit"];

_host = _this select 0;
_caller = _this select 1;
_id = _this select 2;

_units = [s4,s1,s3,s2,s5,s6];
_traitor = _units select floor (random 5);
_units = _units - [_traitor];
_host removeaction _id;

hint format ["Traitor: %1", name _traitor];

while{true}do {
for[{_x=0},{_x<=(count _units)},{_x=_x+1}] do {
	_unit = _units select i;
	if(!alive _unit) then {
		_units = _units - [_unit];
	sleep 0.2;
if(((count _units) > 0) && (!alive _traitor)) exitWith {hint "The traitor is dead!"};
if(((count _units) < 1) && (alive _traitor)) exitWith {hint "The traitor killed everyone!"};
sleep 0.2;

P.S. When ever you are posting code please but the


tags around it, makes it much easier to read and may even show you errors! Thanks!

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while{alive _traitor}do .....this line checks if the traitor is alive

if((count _units) <= 1) exitwith {hint 'The traitor killed everyone'};..........then straight away counts the units in the array and if 1 or less then it can only be the traitor alive or dieing if he happens to be standing near explosive ready to go off or falling from a building..etc etc

bigshotking script is the same thing but has a bit i left out....

if(!alive _unit) then {

_units = _units - [_unit];


which is needed for the (count _units) bit to work....

no ones perfect and I'm sure bigshotking agrees

_unit = _units select i; #should be# _unit = _units select _x;

heres another way without errors (fingers crossed)

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

private ["_host","_caller","_id","_units","_traitor","_x","_unit"];

_host = _this select 0;
_caller = _this select 1;
_id = _this select 2;

_units = [s4,s1,s3,s2,s5,s6];
_traitor = _units select floor (random 5);
_units = _units - [_traitor];
_host removeaction _id;

hint format ["Traitor: %1", name _traitor];

{if(!alive _x) then { _units = _units - [_x]}}foreach _units;

 if(((count _units) > 0) && (!alive _traitor)) exitWith {hint "The traitor is dead!"};
 if(((count _units) < 1) && (alive _traitor)) exitWith {hint "The traitor killed everyone!"};
 sleep 0.2;

Edited by Squ33z3

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Yup like I said I through it together in about 5 minutes in my colleges Cafeteria. And yes you are correct, I did make some mistakes in there

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Thanks a lot for all the help. I have got it all working

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